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23 Apr 2011 13:12


U.S.: Terry Jones: A pastor, a rabbi, and two bigots walk into a courtroom …

  • Say what you will about Terry Jones and his obvious attempt to draw attention by protesting at the country’s biggest mosque, but dude knows how to wear a faded leather jacket. Too bad we can’t separate the bigot from the sweet threads. Despite being barred from doing so, Jones plans to protest at the Islamic Center of America next week. Jones incited violence in the Middle East by burning a copy of the Koran about a month ago. (By the way, the rabbi next to him, Nachum Shifren, is no saint, either.) source

12 Dec 2010 10:49


U.S., World: Pastor Terry Jones bringing his Islamophobia across the pond?

  • infamy Terry Jones, the pastor who wanted to burn the Koran on 9/11 only to not do it because he thought he had brokered a deal with the “Ground Zero Mosque” folks in NYC (spoiler: he didn’t), is pretty much a laughingstock these days.
  • fandom Fortunately, Jones still has some supporters – in the U.K. He’ll be going to speak at a rally held by the English Defense League (which has nothing to do with soccer, BTW) in February. They’re pretty darn anti-Islamic, too, so he’ll fit right in. source

10 Sep 2010 11:50


U.S.: We’re ignoring the Koran-burning crisis from here on out

The media has been blowing this up – not him, the media. My buddy Charles Apple has suggested we completely ignore it. We’re game. No more coverage, Terry. source

09 Sep 2010 18:53


U.S.: Crazy pastor calls off Koran burning; Imam calls his bluff

  • jones gets cold feet Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who planned to burn a stack of Korans in protest of the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque,” has announced that he’s canceled the burning.
  • imam cancels mosque Jones said that, in exchange for calling off the event, the man behind the proposed Islamic center, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, has agreed to move the center farther away from Ground Zero.
  • actually, nevermindFollowing Jones’ press conference, Rauf told CNN that he was “surprised” by the announcement, has never spoken with the pastor, and isn’t going to “barter.” Nice bluff, Jones!  source

09 Sep 2010 09:43


Politics: Obama calls Koran burning an al-Qaeda “recruitment bonanza”

  • You could have serious violence in places like Pakistan or Afghanistan. This could increase the recruitment of individuals who’d be willing to blow themselves up in American cities or European cities.
  • Barack “not a cat” Obama • Describing why Pastor Terry Jones’ whole “Burn a Koran Day” is a “recruitment bonanza” for al-Qaeda. Let’s face it. It’s the kind of thing that will piss off tons of people and might push a few towards extremism. Happy, Terry? You got the president to talk about you, and unlike every other time Obama brings up culture-clash issues, he didn’t sound like a smart guy making a stumble. source

08 Sep 2010 11:18


Politics: Pastor Terry Jones: Jesus would burn the Koran, too!

The stupid moron is going to go through with his Koran-burning plan despite the fact that everyone’s telling him he’s a stupid moron. source

07 Sep 2010 10:25


Politics: Amid warnings, Pastor Terry Jones plans to pray really hard

  • But don’t for a second think they plan not to go through with their stupid idea. After hearing criticism from the U.S. military about his congregation’s plan to go through with that whole idiotic “Burn a Koran Day” thing, Jones was on CNN kinda sorta giving lip service to the idea of not doing it. “We have firmly made up our mind, but at the same time, we are definitely praying about it,” he says. He wants to be sure his intentions are clear. You know, that his flock’s Koran burning is meant to be really nice. source

07 Sep 2010 10:10


Politics: Gen. David Petraeus to Pastor Terry Jones: You’re gonna get us killed

  • It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort in Afghanistan. Even the rumor that it might take place has sparked demonstrations such as the one that took place in Kabul yesterday. Were the actual burning to take place, the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more difficult.
  • Gen. David Petraeus • Saying what should be fairly obvious: If “Burn a Koran Day” takes place, it’s going to greatly complicate the counter-insurgency in Afghanistan. A lot of people outside of the military would agree with him, but the fact of the matter is, they already have proof that it’s rustled up the natives. Oh yeah, Petraeus mentions that burning Korans is something the Taliban does. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Terry. source

07 Sep 2010 00:07


World: Dear Pastor Terry Jones: Afghanistan doesn’t like you either

  • florida Paster Terry Jones plans to burn a bunch of Korans this week as part of “Burn a Koran Day” on 9/11. Classy, dude, classy.
  • afghanistanAfghans, however, didn’t wait to burn American flags and an effigy of Jones in anticipation of the pretty dumb event. source