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17 Sep 2011 14:18


Culture: Strange timing: Two daughters of high-profile politicians die in same week

  • Kennedy Friday, Kara Kennedy, daughter of Ted, died while at a DC-area health club. It was announced Saturday. She was just 51. A former lung cancer sufferer, her brother Patrick, a former congressman himself, thinks that the cancer (which she beat a number of years ago) took a long-term toll on her. “Her heart gave out,” he said.
  • Mondale Meanwhile, Eleanor Mondale, the daughter of Walter, died Saturday after a long battle with brain cancer. She was also just 51. A former TV broadcaster, she was noted for her high-profile personal life: She once dated Warren Zevon and Arnold Schwarzenegger and was married to Minneapolis rocker Chan Poling at the time of her death. source
  • » Correction: Kara Kennedy died on Friday night, not Saturday as previously reported. It was announced Saturday, however. Apologies. The article reflects the change.

28 Feb 2010 20:20


U.S.: Wanted: One Kennedy. Must be willing to run for Congress this year.

  • Joe Kennedy III doesn’t want to run, so we need another. In the year after Ted Kennedy died, it’s looking more and more likely that no Kennedy will be in major national office in 2011. The latest to say no, Joe Kennedy III, said that he wants more time at his current job as an assistant district attorney. We can understand. The dude turns 30 this year, and we all know what happened when Patrick Kennedy jumped into Congress at an early age. That’s right. Lots of “Back to School“-style partying. source

12 Feb 2010 12:32


Politics: Biographer: Patrick Kennedy just wants a life out of the public eye

  • I think he wants a more private life. … It’s difficult being a Kennedy. People see the upside, without being aware of the downside.
  • Patrick Kennedy biographer Darrell M. West • Regarding why Patrick Kennedy might be so willing to give up his congressional seat. Beyond poll-related reasons (Kennedy, who’s been in Congress since his mid-20s, wasn’t doing well), recent family issues had a lot to do with it. He has two cancer-survivor siblings, his mom is an alcoholic and his dad, Ted Kennedy, just died. “There is lot of stuff going on in that family at every level,” he said. Kennedy, at 42, is young enough to enjoy life out of politics. source

16 Jan 2010 12:52


U.S.: Today, Democrats are scrambling to save Ted Kennedy’s old seat

  • Teddy always told me when you’re in a fight, there’s nobody like organized labor. You’re about the future. You’re about moving this country forward. You always have been. We can’t go backwards now.
  • Vicki Kennedy • Stumping for state Attorney General Martha Coakley Saturday morning at the Dorchester headquarters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Coakley’s in great danger of losing the race for Ted Kennedy’s old seat to Republican upstart Scott Brown. If Brown wins on Tuesday, the Democrats lose their essential 60th vote. This is a big deal for the left. source

15 Jan 2010 01:29


Politics: How did Scott Brown teeter towards the edge of an upset in Mass.?

Weeks ago, Scott Brown was seen as a non-entity in the country’s most liberal state. Now he has a realistic shot of winning Ted Kennedy’s old seat. WTF? source

08 Dec 2009 09:27


U.S.: Who’s gonna replace Ted Kennedy? A special primary opens today

  • four Democrats are up for election in the special primaries
  • two Republicans think they have a shot in Teddy’s territory source

03 Sep 2009 11:12


U.S.: Ted Kennedy’s memoir: From his brothers to his biggest mistake

  • As I think back to my three brothers, and about what they had accomplished before I was even out of my childhood, it sometimes has occurred to me that my entire life has been a constant state of catching up.
  • Ted Kennedy • In his soon-to-be-released memoir, “True Compass,” about his legacy in comparison to his famous brothers. Kennedy goes over a bunch of other things in the book – most notably that he expresses incredible amounts of remorse over the Chappaquiddick crash, which killed Mary Jo Kopechne and haunted the rest of his political career. • source

31 Aug 2009 11:16


U.S.: Thanks, Ted: A poignant end to the Ted Kennedy memorial saga

  • A sad week comes to the end with a sign on the Massachusetts Turnpike. Very heartwarming to watch.source

29 Aug 2009 11:18


U.S.: (Most of) the presidents came out to wish off Ted Kennedy

Missing from this photo: George H.W. Bush, who couldn’t travel. In this photo: Everyone else, including Jimmy Carter and Bush’s son. source

28 Aug 2009 17:07


Politics: Huckabee drags Ted Kennedy’s dead body into health care debate

  • It was just laying there in Boston! Huckabee, who is a smart, funny guy whether or not you like his politics, said on his radio show Thursday that Kennedy would have died sooner under Obamacare. “When Sen. Kennedy was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at 77, did he give up on life and go home to take pain pills and die? Of course not.” We’re not gonna vouch for this, but we are gonna say that now may not be the best time to make this argument. source