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31 Jan 2010 11:51


Culture: Obama: Good president, better Georgetown play-by-play dude

  • Our president is a total badass, guys. Whether or not you agree with the president’s policies, this is way better than, say, Bill Clinton playing the sax for Arsenio Hall back in the day. It’s like he knows how to let loose and have fun occasionally despite the level of politics going on. And in case you see a dip in the guy’s work output around March or so, he explains why in the video. He watches every single game of March Madness. source

21 Oct 2009 22:51


Offbeat: What‽ You don’t know what an interrobang is‽ Mind if we tell you‽

  • it’s an exclamation point and a question mark, brought together at last source

25 Aug 2009 21:15


Biz, U.S.: Sweet! Two convenient sugar-related problems combine

  • Members of the food industry got a hold of the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently, informing them that, without increased imports, the country is on track to run out of sugar. Not sweet. source
  • The American Heart Association says that you should stop eating sugar to improve your heart health. Plus, there’s the side benefit of increasing the nation’s sugar supply. *light bulb* source