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08 Jun 2009 21:48


Tech: Not to steal the iPhone’s thunder, but the Pre isn’t doing bad either

  • 50,000 Palm Pres sold in two days source

06 Jun 2009 10:49


Tech: Weird! Everyone forgot to camp out for the Palm Pre launch!

This line of 12 in New York City was far more the exception than the rule – Sprint stores nationwide were hype-free. This ain’t an iPhone launch. source

05 Jun 2009 10:46


Offbeat, Tech: The Palm Pre is pretty awesome, but can it cut the cheese?

  • The answer, according to this video that uses Bryan Adams amazingly, is yes. It can cut the cheese. Want a slice?source

27 Apr 2009 10:33


Biz, Tech: My, how success changes things: Verizon wants the iPhone

  • “High-level” discussions USA Today reports that Apple and Verizon have been talking for a few months about the possibility of bringing the iPhone to the platform. It’s a severe change for the wireless provider, who famously did not want to bend to Apple’s standards a few years back. source
  • “High-level” discussions USA Today reports that Apple and Verizon have been talking for a few months about the possibility of bringing the iPhone to the platform. It’s a severe change for the wireless provider, who famously did not want to bend to Apple’s standards a few years back.
  • AT&T should freak out If Apple brings the iPhone to another platform, AT&T should be plenty scared – 40% of their new mobile customers last quarter bought iPhones, a massive chunk of the pie. And as many don’t like AT&T’s service, it could be a coup for Verizon. source

21 Mar 2009 21:40


Tech: Palm better hope the Pre is a hit, or they’re screwed

  • $98 million Palm’s losses last quarter, driven down by people waiting for the Pre, a worthy could-be iPhone-killer source