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11 Nov 2009 22:29


Tech: Dear Wolfram Alpha: Working with Bing is actually smart

  • Wolfram Alpha is a smart idea that has been neutered by bad decision-making – charging an embarrassingly-high price for their iPhone app, treating copyright like something they can control. Well, now they have something to grasp onto: Bing. While their searches aren’t all that useful by themselves (too insular), combined with a decent general-purpose search engine, it starts to feel like a killer app. This specific execution is why people got excited about the product at launch. Not the $50 iPhone app.source

16 Sep 2009 09:50


U.S.: Detained, then released: The Yale murder “person of interest”

  • Raymond Clark provided DNA samples to investigators. Clark, who has not been charged, was one of dozens of people with access to the area where Annie Le was found. However, the focus has strongly been on him – police did searches of his home yesterday. Investigators said would not make any arrests until DNA evidence was returned. source