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11 Sep 2010 12:37


Tech: Cashin’ in while they can: GoDaddy wants to SellDaddy

  • $750+ million GoDaddy’s revenues last year; no word on how much spokesperson Danica Patrick made
  • $1
    could be made with the domain registar’s sale, according to some estimates source

01 Sep 2010 10:44


Biz: Burger King to potential owners: Have it your way

  • The fast-food chain of late has been struggling. Why’s that, you ask? Well, its base market of young males has been one of the hardest-hit during the recession, meaning (despite its often immaculate advertising) it’s been underperforming compared to McDonald’s and other fast-food chains. So the company, which has been publicly-traded for just a few years, is considering a sale. They’ve already talked with some buyers. No word on how much they’ll customize the not-broken model after they sell. source

06 Jul 2010 10:44


Tech: calls the AP out on their hypocritical quote-ganking

  • But when we found your little newsy thing you do, we couldn’t help but notice something important. And that something is this: you printed our web content in your article! The web content that came from our blog! Why, isn’t that the very thing you’ve previously told nu-media bloggers they’re not supposed to do?
  • A message from • Regarding the Associated Press using quotes from their blog post on their sale to Amazon. Considering the AP has a stupid, stupid rule regarding the quoting of content by outside sources, we’ve mostly avoided their content except when absolutely necessary. says that they’ll allow the AP to use their quotes, but it’ll cost them $17.50. Unless, they’re willing to make this deal with the site: “Instead of cutting us a check for the web content you liberated from our site, all you’ll need to do is show us your email receipt from today’s two pack of Sennheiser MX400 In-Ear Headphones, and we’ll call it even.” Well played, sirs. source

12 Apr 2010 08:51


Biz, Tech: Palm-reading: The phone maker’s putting itself up for sale

  • What a sucky ending for a cool comeback story. A year ago, Palm looked like it had realistic potential to take on the iPhone in the market. Now, it’s a completely different story. The Pre is a good phone. WebOS is a good system. But now the company and its dwindling stock price are going up for sale, according to Bloomberg. The company has been burning through $80 million every three months just to keep up with Apple and Google. It’s not sustainable. source

28 Mar 2010 10:40


Biz: Volvo cars: Once Swedish, then American, now going Chinese

  • $1.8 billion sale of Volvo cars from Ford to China’s Geely source

15 Mar 2010 10:30


Biz: Tommy Hilfiger’s clothing brand apparently still worth money

  • $3 billion paid by Phillips-Van Heusen
    for the lame-@$$ brand source

20 Dec 2009 11:11


Biz: Saab dead, then Saab not dead, then Saab dead, then Saab not dead

  • The Swedish automaker has another lease on life. After GM announced that the company would be closed last week after talks with potential suitor Spyker fell through, Spyker said “not so fast” and submitted another deal. “Despite our collective 11th-hour set-back, we are returning to the table with a renewed offer,” said Spyker Chief Executive Victor Muller. Saab’s 3,400 employees must be pleased that they’re being taken on such a comfortable merry-go-round. source

19 Nov 2009 20:56


U.S.: For the price of a New York City condo, you can buy the Silverdome

  • $583,000 but it might get blocked source

07 Oct 2009 20:52


U.S.: For sale: The saddest stadium in the world, the Pontiac Silverdome

Pontiac Silverdome
  • It holds 80,000 people. It held the Detroit Lions for a good 20 years. It’s just sitting around right now. Nobody’s using it. Anyone want to travel to sunny Pontiac, Michigan and buy the Pontiac Silverdome? It’s for sale, guys. You know, the ShortFormBlog staff needed new offices. Anyone want to convert this thing into a loft?source

06 Oct 2009 21:21


Biz: GM: Saturn spun out, but Hummer’s sale still humming along

  • We avoided a dirty joke in the headline. The formerly-bankrupt General Motors says that its sale of Hummer to the menacingly-named Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. is still on track. They didn’t come to an agreement with the Chinese manufacturer last quarter but plan to keep working at it this quarter. We avoided another dirty joke ending this post. source