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19 May 2009 09:02


Music: Eminem gets a backhanded compliment from Pitchfork on “Relapse”

  • 4.8 At least it’s not as bad as “Encore” was, they say source

08 May 2009 16:20


Culture, Politics: Our quick two-second review of the new “Star Trek”

  • The action was clearly well-paced. Abrams did a good job of keeping you on the edge of your seat. It was easy for non-fans to get into, while having winking cues for die-hards. source
  • Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, in particular, did justice to the original parts. Even Simon Pegg, who doesn’t physically resemble James Doohan, was well-cast as Scotty. source
  • We expect “Star Trek” to be just as revered as “Iron Man” was last summer. It’s a fun movie that goes broad without losing its street cred. Good show, J.J. Abrams! source

23 Mar 2009 09:48


Music: The Decemberists suffer a Pitchfork raspberry for “Hazards of Love”

  • 5.7 they said it’s too overblown & theatrical, not catchy enough source

10 Mar 2009 10:20


Culture, Politics: Woz danced with the stars, sucked pretty bad

  • In an opening act that was effortful, but, at times, reminiscent of a varicose vein on cocaine, Wozniak chased his professional partner, Karina Smirnoff, around the dance floor and rarely caught a glimpse of her exquisite hem.
  • Chris Matyszczyk • CNet columnist, reviewing Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak’s performance on “Dancing with the Stars.” The judges didn’t like him either – one judge referred to his dancing abilities being “like a Teletubby going mad.” • source

02 Mar 2009 10:17


Tech: Is the Amazon Kindle’s screen too fragile?

  • A reviewer thinks so. Jeff Reifman, who was attempting to review the New York Times reading experience on the Kindle 2, didn’t even get a day without a scratch (which apparently may have come from a candy bar wrapper?!), a scratch that Amazon seemed very hesitant to replace and probably won’t. Hmm, that doesn’t sound promising for a mass-market product. source
  • A reviewer thinks so. Jeff Reifman, who was attempting to review the New York Times reading experience on the Kindle 2, didn’t even get a day without a scratch (which apparently may have come from a candy bar wrapper?!), a scratch that Amazon seemed very hesitant to replace and probably won’t. Hmm, that doesn’t sound promising for a mass-market product.
  • Well, how does it read? Reifman’s experience with reading the Times was OK, but the interface had its quirks. Among other things, he kept wanting to scroll down, web-style, rather than turn the page like the Kindle’s designed for. Reifman also noted that buying a Kindle and a Kindle subscription to the Times was much cheaper than the paper version. source

02 Mar 2009 09:06


Music: Pitchfork’s line on the new U2 album: It sucks.

17 Feb 2009 10:42


Music: Pitchfork is lukewarm on the new M. Ward album

  • Hold Time is an enjoyable, well-constructed album, and as good a place as any for newcomers to start – it just doesn’t hold many surprises.
  • Marc Hogan • In his 6.8 review of “Hold Time,” the latest by singer-songwriter M. Ward, who’s become pretty popular over the last decade or so. This could be his mainstream ticket, kids. • source