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21 Sep 2009 11:15


Sports: Duh: Athletes don’t know what to do with all that money

  • 78% of NFL stars wind up broke within two years of retiring source

18 Aug 2009 11:29


Sports: Dear Brett Favre: Stay Retired. For the love of God. Stay retired.

  • This story makes us want to hurt things. Stay retired. No contract talks man. No anonymous sources. Stay retired. #(&6^ or get off the pot. Don’t jump back on. Stay retired. source

29 Jul 2009 11:04


Sports: Brett Favre accepts his fate as a retired guy in Mississippi

  • It was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. I didn’t feel like physically I could play at a level that was acceptable. I would like to thank everyone, including the Packers, Jets and Vikings – but, most importantly, the fans.
  • Quarterback Brett Favre • Describing his decision to stay retired as opposed to trying to play for the Minnesota Vikings. Favre is kind of an old guy and has already retired twice, only to return once and nearly return a second time. Regarding the surgery that he went through in hopes of coming back, he says he realized it was time. “I have legitimate reasons for my decision,” he said. “I’m 39 with a lot of sacks to my name.” • source

25 Jul 2009 10:17


Offbeat: A retiring soldier eats 36-year-old cake, lives to tell about it

  • I would eat it any chance I could get, but not all of the meals came with pound cake.
  • Retiring Army Col. Henry Moak • Describing the cake in a can he ate at his retirement ceremony. It was a military-issue cake he loved eating. Moak, who was issued the cake in 1973, wasn’t trying to get sick by eating the cake – “I won’t eat it if it’s black and moldy,” he said – but the delicacy actually held up OK. “It’s good, it’s still kind of moist,” he said. • source

16 Jul 2009 12:07


Sports: Brett Favre’s game of is-he-or-isn’t-he has a firm deadline

  • July 30 is when he decides to come back. Brett Favre’s maybe-he’s-not-retired drama has taken yet another turn. He’s still thinking of playing for the Minnesota Vikings this season, but due to surgery hasn’t made up his mind yet. So he’s given the team a firm deadline to make a decision. So, remember kids, just 14 more days of waiting for him to decide whether or not he gets off the pot. Sigh. source

14 Jul 2009 19:49


Biz, U.S.: Ex-GM CEO Rick Wagoner says “ka-ching!” during a bankruptcy

  • $10 million retirement package, while his old company restructures source

09 Jun 2009 20:33


Sports: The Minnesota Vikings take a breather on Brett Favre

  • The guy who won’t retire did a no-show today. Quarterback Brett Favre – who retired from the team where he spent most of his career, then unretired with a new team, then retired again, and now seems ready unretire again and turn heel – is, at least for now, off the table for the Minnesota Vikings. Why? He missed some team functions he was required to be at. Depending on how his post-surgery shoulder feels, he could be back on the table later, though. He’s playing hokey-pokey pretty hardcore for a football player, eh? source

05 May 2009 21:58


Politics, Sports: Dear Brett Favre: Stay retired, you old whiny dude. OK?

  • Please. Brett. We love you. You’re awesome. You had a great career with the Green Bay Packers. You got to date Mary back in 1997. But you don’t know the definition of the word retirement. You created the greatest dramabomb ever when you un-retired, then left for the New York Jets, then flopped. source
  • Please. Brett. We love you. You’re awesome. You had a great career with the Green Bay Packers. You got to date Mary back in 1997. But you don’t know the definition of the word retirement. You created the greatest dramabomb ever when you un-retired, then left for the New York Jets, then flopped.
  • Pretty please? Now we hear word that you’re talking to the Minnesota Vikings about a QB position. Why? Did Mississippi get a little old and tired for you? Stay at home. Mow the lawn. Cook some burgers on the grill. Run for school board president. Anything, ANYTHING, but play again. PLEEEEAAAASSEE? source

02 May 2009 12:42


U.S.: Justice David Souter’s former clerks have nice things to say

  • Although he’s someone who doesn’t like to spend a lot of time out in high society, he is a really warm and engaging person, and in fact quite a talented story teller and sort of off-the-cuff speaker.
  • Meir Feder • One of Souter’s former clerks in 1990, on her former boss, who was famously not into high society. Obama plans to replace Souter on the court with a similarly independent-minded thinker. • source

01 May 2009 11:16


U.S.: The Supreme Court’s losing David Souter to retirement

  • Outta here in June Souter, who’s served on the court since 1990, will be leaving to retire at the end of the term in June. Compared to other justices (looking at you, John Paul Stevens), he’s not particularly old, but he is 69, and would be eligible for social security if he wanted it. source
  • Outta here in June Souter, who’s served on the court since 1990, will be leaving to retire at the end of the term in June. Compared to other justices (looking at you, John Paul Stevens), he’s not particularly old, but he is 69, and would be eligible for social security if he wanted it.
  • The balance won’t change In terms of political balance, Souter’s departure likely won’t change things much. A George H.W. Bush appointee, he actually became one of the court’s most noted liberals. Unless Obama leans right, the makeup of votes won’t change. source