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18 Feb 2010 21:55


Culture: Dear Roger Ebert: You’re awesome. Esquire is awesome, too.

  • This is Roger Ebert. He’s not looking like he did during his heyday, worn away by thyroid cancer. But even though he can’t speak, eat or drink due to the removal of his jaw, he’s still an amazing personality, something his blog (and this immaculate Esquire profile) emphasizes. He’s put on a brave face despite what’s happened to him, and it speaks volumes of him that he’s still a vibrant human being despite his condition. You rule, Roger. source

02 Jul 2009 15:49


Tech: In case you’re looking to make enemies, go to MySpace

See anything missing from the MySpace logo? Like, perhaps, a suggestion that you might find friends here? Hmmmmmm. source

10 Jun 2009 19:52


Culture: Miss California firing: Was it politics or personnel issues?

  • Donald Trump claims she simply wasn’t doing her job. “I told Carrie she needed to get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California USA organization, and I gave her the opportunity to do so,” he said.
  • Carrie Prejean claims it was political. “What’s behind this, I think, is a political debate. … From day one they wanted me out, and they got what they wanted,” she said. Her stance on gay marriage earned her 15 seconds of fame.
  • he said
  • she said

13 May 2009 18:29


Politics, Tech: The tale of #twitterfail and how honesty might have helped

  • The problem with the setting was that it didn’t scale and even if we rebuilt it, the feature was blunt. It was confusing and caused a sense of inconsistency. We felt we could do much better.
  • Twitter Creative Director Biz Stone • On the actual reason Twitter removed that @replies feature the other day – functionality was only part of the reason. The real reason is that there was some technical stuff that was slowing down the site. (And as users of the site’s search function, we’ve noticed. Sigh.) Now, everyone’s just a little ticked off and Twitter forgot the lesson that they should know better than anyone else – people complain on Twitter a lot, and honesty is the best policy. • source

16 Feb 2009 01:07


World: Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is pretty darn happy right now

  • Today we opened wide the gates of the future. In 2012 there will be presidential elections, and unless God decides otherwise, unless the people decide otherwise, this soldier is already a candidate.
  • Hugo Chavez • President of Venezuela, on winning the referendum that removed term limits, allowing him to run as much as he wants to, until he gets sick of playing president. • source

15 Feb 2009 09:05


World: Today, Venezuelans decide if Hugo Chavez sticks around

  • Term limits? Who needs ‘em? Just to make sure everyone was awake, loud bugles woke up people in Venezuela reminding them that today, they vote on whether President Hugo Chavez can get term limits removed so he can stay in power for decades if he so chooses. People in the country are split on the vote. If Chavez loses, he could have to leave office in 2013. source