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01 Jun 2009 21:12


Biz, U.S.: Currently on Obama’s plate: Financial industry regulation

  • How do we make sure this never happens again? Re-invent FDIC? Kill the Office of Thrift Supervision? Throw out the rule book? The Obama administration is considering all sorts of MacGyver-like techniques to prevent future financial industry screw-ups. Don’t expect them to combine a bunch of organizations together like a puzzle, though. Obama doesn’t think he’ll get enough political support for that, and even some of his closest colleagues in Congress think it’s a bad idea. source

24 May 2009 19:48


U.S.: College kids willing to stay close to the ‘rents during the recession

  • -40% decreases in out-of-state enrollment at many large universities source

15 May 2009 12:46


Biz, U.S.: Year-over-year consumer prices take a historic tumble

  • -0.7% That’s the biggest tumble since Elvis’ heyday source

14 May 2009 21:48


Music: Help Paste Magazine stave off advertising cuts or they’ll get deleted

  • Sigh, magazines are feeling it too. Paste, which is probably one of the best music magazines out there (even if it does dig deep into that mushy adult-pop-indie), is begging for your help to stay afloat. Seriously. They have a donation page and everything. Plus, Paste is awesome. Why would we want this magazine to die? Sigh. Throw in $25 bones and help pay for someone’s freelance piece. You’ll feel better for it, trust us. source

09 May 2009 21:20


Biz, U.S.: The recession reminded people to actually save money

  • -2.7% the savings rate in 2005 – in other words, people were spending more than they earned. source

08 May 2009 11:13


U.S.: Take a breather: Unemployment’s up, but slowing down

  • 8.9% the current jobless rate, the highest since 1983 source

05 May 2009 10:36


Biz, U.S.: Here’s a Cinco de Mayo quote worth celebrating from Ben Bernanke

  • We expect economic activity to bottom out, then to turn up later this year.
  • Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke • On his forecast for the economic recovery, which he says should be coming soon. Hoo-ray! • source

30 Apr 2009 10:14


Biz, U.S.: Consumer spending takes another small tumble in March

  • -0.2% the bigger-than-expected decline in spending source

29 Apr 2009 09:51


Biz, U.S.: The incredible shrinking economy shrinks even more

  • -6.1% free-fall in the United States’ GDP O_O source

09 Apr 2009 21:17


Biz, U.S.: The economy appears to be slowly emerging from its cocoon

  • Wells Fargo forecasted surprisingly good profits. source
  • Unemployment benefit filings are down for once. source
  • Retailers are predicting pretty solid April sales. source
  • The Dow reacted to this news by rallying +250. source