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03 Jun 2010 02:35


Tech: We knew it: Mark Zuckerberg just as awkward as the rest of us

  • You could fill a glass of water with the sweat coming off of Mark Zuckerberg’s brow in this clip, where he tries, in vain, to explain Facebook’s privacy issues. Dude’s getting grilled, and he seriously can’t take the heat. He has to take off the hoodie he never takes off. Also, how creepy is that insignia on the inside of his hoodie? In his defense, though, let’s face it – he’s 26 and he’s done more with his life than any of us can expect to do with any of ours. Let’s not knock him too much.

01 Jun 2010 09:42


Tech: Final tally: Quit Facebook Day a complete freaking flop

  • 34k complete losers quit Facebook yesterday
  • 400M number of active Facebook users
  • .008% of all users quit the site (not a revolution) source

30 May 2010 19:51


Tech: “Quit Facebook Day” update: Still a drop in the social bucket

  • 25,260 users plan to actually quit tomorrow source

27 May 2010 20:57


Tech: Were Facebook’s privacy changes enough to win over its critics?

  • NO they’re still not convinced Facebook is trustworthy source

24 May 2010 21:44


Tech: “Fuzzy Orb”: Facebook has nothing to worry about, guys

  • Currently in the upper reaches of the Google Trends “Hot Searches” is this incredibly awful-looking site called “Fuzzy Orb,” which promises a more private social networking experience but in reality makes us seriously afraid of getting a virus. It’s getting force-fed onto Twitter right now. Let this be a reminder to you, kids – Facebook may have privacy issues from time to time, but this is the alternative. And it ain’t pretty. source

24 May 2010 10:56


Tech: Mark Zuckerberg writes inevitable “we screwed up” op-ed piece

  • Simply put, many of you thought our controls were too complex. Our intention was to give you lots of granular controls; but that may not have been what many of you wanted. We just missed the mark.
  • Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg • Admitting the privacy options on Facebook kind of suck for many users, and that they plan to change them. He wrote a lengthy op-ed piece for The Washington Post noting just that. One thing he says might be a bone of contention, though: Zuckerberg flatly denies that the company has shared personal information with advertisers. (Note the word “personal” in that statement – your more basic demographic data is fair game.) Oh, and Facebook will always stay free. source

18 May 2010 21:39


Tech: Facebook finally admits that their privacy settings are confusing

  • Now we’ve heard from our users that we have gotten a little bit complex.I think we are going to work on that. We are going to be providing options for users who want simplistic bands of privacy that they can choose from and I think we will see that in the next couple of weeks.
  • Facebook head of public policy Tim Sparapani • Regarding the site’s fairly complex privacy options. People have been complaining, and now there are tools out there that allow you to easily sort through the options because Facebook made them too complex. With all the other crap going on, they need to do something to ease privacy concerns or they’re screwed. At least they realize it. source

18 May 2010 21:20


Tech, World: Google’s stupid wi-fi mistake gets the regulators on them

  • bad Google’s Street View cars traveled around European cities and towns and accidentally downloaded people’s wi-fi data. Oops.
  • worse Understandably, some countries are upset. The Germans and the Czech are doing investigations of the Street View cars. source

15 May 2010 13:37


Culture, Tech: Aaron Sorkin is about to ruin Mark Zuckerberg’s reputation

On October 1st, Aaron Sorkin’s new movie, “The Social Network,” promises to make Mark Zuckerberg look like the kind of jerk most techies think he is right now. source

14 May 2010 22:08


Tech: Want to be overly dramatic? Quit Facebook en masse on May 31

  • Let’s face it. This stuff just isn’t productive. And, well, it’s just the same old rage that we’ve heard from Twitter users for the last five years. You want to scare Facebook into listening to your concerns? Do it better than they do. That’s why Facebook has spent the last year trying to respond to a (real or imagined) threat from Twitter. That’s why this strikes us as overwraught drama. That’s why the Diaspora project on Kickstarter actually has people’s attention. source