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01 Feb 2010 10:00


Biz: Super Bowl ads: A symbol of a quickly-disappearing era?

  • It’s so expensive to buy time and produce a Super Bowl ad, and you have so much competition and so many distractions, that you must hit an absolute home run to be able to get return on investment.
  • Quell Group senior vice president Jim Cain • Regarding the evolution of the Super Bowl ad. In recent years, many companies have balked at the $2.5-$2.75 million price tag per 30-second slot, the latest being Pepsico. Despite this, ads have been selling for as high as $3.2 million and are still in high demand. But with the added diversity in the advertising sphere – the Web is a pretty formidable option nowadays – along with the recession, many big brands are staying out of it altogether. Which used to be unheard of. source

29 Oct 2009 11:08


U.S.: How big is Nancy Pelosi’s house health care bill? (We’ll tell you.)

  • $894 billion the size of the health care bill Nancy Pelosi introduced today; that’s similar to the size of the senate bill source