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12 Oct 2009 20:02


Politics: The “Goodists”: Obama’s Nobel Prize in line with past winners?

  • He is, so to speak, the son Alfred Nobel never had (minus the dynamite fortune), the best and most significant spokesman for everything the Peace Prize has stood for these 108 years.
  • Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens • Describing why Barack Obama may, in fact, be worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. Stephens notes that the award, minus a few oddball exceptions (Yasser Arafat) and obvious winners (Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr.), has largely been given to “Goodists,” people who have made an effort to be seen as good and to see problems as solvable misunderstandings between well-intentioned people. An interesting perspective, for sure, written by someone who knows what he’s talking about. • source

11 Oct 2009 23:53


Politics: John McCain: Obama is living Ricky Nelson’s “Garden Party”

  • I think the great danger now is a half-measure, sort of a – you know, try to please all ends of the political spectrum. And, again, I have great sympathy for the president, making the toughest decisions that presidents have to make, but I think he needs to use deliberate speed.
  • Sen. John McCain • Doing what he always does – sounding brilliant when the stakes are low for him. Regarding Afghanistan (but really relevant for every part of his presidency), he tells Obama that it’s alright now, as long as he learns his lesson well. You see, he can’t please everyone, so he’s got to please himself. And he needs to do it fast. So, why didn’t we elect this guy for president? Oh yeah, because he fell victim to the very indecisiveness and political gaming that’s muddling Obama’s presidency. McCain speaks from experience, Barack. • source

11 Oct 2009 00:39


U.S.: Obama’s plan for gays in the military: Ask. Tell. (If you want.)

  • The president plans to end the controversial Clinton-era policy. Speaking at the Human Rights Campaign tonight, Obama renewed his pledge to the gay community. “Do not doubt the direction we are heading and the destination we will reach,” he said. Many were supportive, but others noted that, while warm and fuzzy, he didn’t bring up specifics in the speech. source

10 Oct 2009 14:55


Politics: Daily poll: Can Obama expand rights for gays?

  • Fresh off his Nobel Peace Prize win, Barack Obama will speak at a Human Rights Campaign dinner tonight. Many are hoping he can make a dent in an issue that many gay-rights supporters have been hoping for. But Obama’s been distracted by everything else. Now that he’s finally giving it some attention, can he pull it off? Vote.source

10 Oct 2009 13:21


U.S., World: Fidel Castro has nice things to say about Obama’s Nobel Prize

  • Many will say that he still hasn’t earned the right to receive such distinction. We prefer to see in the decision, more than a prize for the president of the United States, a criticism of the genocidal policies that not a few presidents of that country have followed.
  • Former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro • In a comment in the country’s state-run media. Considering that Americans have feelings just as mixed about Castro as they do about obama winning this peace prize, he’s not helping by saying such nice things about Obama. Barack Obama: Latin America’s favorite president ever. • source

09 Oct 2009 23:35


U.S., World: Critics not feeling this whole Obama Nobel Peace Prize thing

  • I think the committee has gone mad. We haven’t seen anything from him yet. Words and promises only, no actions. His troops are still here, Guantanamo is not closed, and Israel is building new settlements.
  • Fallujah, Iraq lawyer Omar Mohammad • Criticizing the Nobel Committee’s decision to give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize. He’s not alone, not in his region nor worldwide. Our vote on the matter shows that many people oppose his winning of the award, and others suggest that he may have won for his more European-style way of handling diplomacy. • source

09 Oct 2009 11:44


U.S., World: Obama, straight up: I don’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize

  • You know that feeling you get when you go to a surprise party and the gifts are extra-awesome, to the point where it feels a bit overdone? That’s how Obama feels right now. He does a good job twisting it, though, as something not personally about him but the country’s overall changed diplomatic direction. When the guy winning the Nobel Peace Prize feels like he doesn’t deserve it, the Nobel committee is giving it for the wrong reasons. Hey, Nobel people: Call back in four years when the president has made it worthwhile (or not).source

09 Oct 2009 05:21


U.S., World: Daily poll: Did Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize this year?

  • We know. We’re still taking it in, too. But it’s a massive, seriously big accomplishment to win an award like this. We want to know if he’s ready to be worthy of such an honor. Vote here.source

09 Oct 2009 05:15


U.S., World: Obama had a lot of competition for the Nobel Peace Prize

  • 205 people were nominated this year – that’s a record source

06 Oct 2009 21:03


U.S., World: Obama and his posse debate the Afghan War near its anniversary

  • I’m the one who hired him. I put him there to give me a frank assessment.
  • President Barack Obama, discussing Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s request for more troops • According to people who were at a meeting about what to do about Afghanistan. Obama does not plan to cut troops in the country, which begins its eighth year of war tomorrow. • source