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27 Jul 2010 09:24


Culture: Luckiest man alive finds Ansel Adams photos worth $200 million

Rick Norsigian, a garage sale hunter, bought this negative (and many others) for about $45 a decade ago. He negotiated down from $70. They’re worth far more. source

16 Jul 2010 10:22


Music: Vampire Weekend’s cover model: I’m suing you jerks!

  • The thing about this photo, which Vampire Weekend made the cover of their second album, is that it looks like it could’ve been taken at any moment in the last year. People like this still exist. But no, it was taken in 1983. And now, Kirsten Kennis, the presumably middle-aged woman in the photo, has reportedly sued the band to the tune of $2 million, claiming the photographer forged her signature on the contract and the band never verified it was hers. source

26 Jun 2010 11:02


Politics: Eat your heart out, Obama; Sarah Palin has her own photographer too

Shealah Craighead has, by her estimation, taken half a million often-intimate shots of the former vice presidential candidate and current conservative darling. source

14 Apr 2010 11:23


Politics: Stephen Colbert briefly drops out of character, hits Wikileaks hard

  • In this interview with the founder of Wikileaks, Stephen Colbert rips into the guy pretty hard around the 3 minute mark. He notes that the clip was called “Collateral Murder,” which offers a political angle to something he’s trying to push objectively. Colbert quickly drops back into his persona, but the effect is pretty impressive.

05 Apr 2010 22:49


U.S., World: Iraq coverup: Wikileaks scores a major free-information win

  • Wikileaks went through a lot of hell to get this video up. The clip, which shows a Reuters photographer and another staffer (along with ten others) getting killed by the U.S. government during the Iraq war because they mistook his camera for a weapon. He was shot at from a distance, and he survived, only to be killed during a rescue attempt. The government has been covering up this clip for years, including from Reuters. Now, from this video, it’s clear what happened: An unprovoked attack. This video is a harrowing watch. source

08 Sep 2009 09:01


Culture: Celebrity photog Annie Leibovitz could lose her photos today

  • $24 million debt to repay, by today, or her images aren’t hers source

11 Apr 2009 18:40


Culture: Woody Harrelson thought he saw a zombie taking his photo

  • With my daughter at the airport I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie.
  • Woody Harrelson • Explaining, via his publicist, why he attacked a photographer in La Guardia Airport on Wednesday. He claimed he had just finished a movie called “Zombieland” and was still in character. Remember, guys; the dude likes his pot. This explanation, by the way, is almost too entertaining for words. Next time we beat someone up for taking our photo, we’re using the same claim. • source