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21 Sep 2010 09:50


World: In India, Commonwealth Games bridge falls down, goes boom

HOLY CRAP. You mean we have to rebuild this pedestrian bridge for an event happening in a FREAKING MONTH? Man, we’re so not prepared for this. source

20 Oct 2009 10:01


Offbeat: It sucks being a pedestrian when someone’s reliving “Speed”

  • “THIS BUS CAN’T GO SLOWER THAN 50 MILES AN HOUR! There’s a bomb on the bus that will go off if we go slower than that. This guy crossing the street, we may hit him, but we can’t stop!”source

11 May 2009 22:05


Tech, World: German engineering takes on the car-free suburb

Vauban, Germany’s newest trick comes in the form of a suburb designed to be traveled by bike and by foot. Sounds socialist to us! source

11 Feb 2009 22:47


U.S.: Just awful: Man dragged under car nearly 20 miles, dies.

  • It happened in Queens, N.Y. The man, unidentified but between his mid-20s and 30s, was hit by one car whose driver went back to the scene of the crime and couldn’t find him. That’s because he was then hit by another driver who didn’t see him. That driver dragged him under the carriage of his van for 19.8 miles. The injuries, we won’t even begin to describe. But just imagine the worst – the article uses the phrase “torn-up corpse.” We wish his family condolences in the wake of this sad news. source