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06 Jul 2009 10:51


Tech: Congrats, Twitter user! uSocial says your life is worth 8.7¢

  • $87 to buy 1,000 cut-rate Twitter followers from uSocial source

12 Jun 2009 12:28


Politics, Tech: Prediction: Barry Diller is a money-hungry net neophyte

  • I absolutely believe the internet is passing from its free days into a paid system.
  • InterActiveCorp CEO Barry Diller • On the future of the Internet, which he claims will be filled with pricing structures everywhere. Pretty much everyone at the conference he was at disagreed with him – including everyone in this article we linked. Idiot. • source

09 Jun 2009 09:49


Biz: Boston Globe workers: Say no to a pay cut, get a much bigger one

  • -8.4% Amount the New York Times Company wanted to cut their pay, per agreement by the union’s guild. source

29 May 2009 20:40


Culture: As he leaves “The Tonight Show,” here’s a Jay Leno quote to live by

  • I had two jobs as a kid, one at a fast-food restaurant and one at a Ford dealership. And I’d put the money from one job in one pocket and spend it. And the other paycheck I’d save. I do that now. I have always banked my Tonight Show money and lived off the stand-up.
  • Jay Leno • Who we still think is pretty unfunny, but admit that we admire just a tiny bit more after reading this little bit about him. He has charitable organizations set up, by the way. Also, Leno will be back in the fall for his 10 p.m. gig after his final “Tonight Show” … well, tonight. • source

15 May 2009 21:22


Culture: How much money do SNL hosts make? Ask Justin Timberlake.

  • $5,000 per episode, J.T. sez. Nice gig! source

10 Mar 2009 21:23


U.S.: Obama’s making teachers unions all angry with this “merit pay” talk

  • What he wants to do

    Barack Obama suggested these changes to the country’s educational system today:

    1. He wants to tie teachers’ pay to their performance; if their students rock it in the classroom, they get paid more.

    2. He wants to increase the length of the school year. But what about summer camp, dude?! Summer camp rules!

    3. He wants more nontraditional charter schools. Why not, right?

  • What he wants to do

    Barack Obama suggested these changes to the country’s educational system today:

    1. He wants to tie teachers’ pay to their performance; if their students rock it in the classroom, they get paid more.

    2. He wants to increase the length of the school year. But what about summer camp, dude?! Summer camp rules!

    3. He wants more nontraditional charter schools. Why not, right?

  • Ruffling feathers respectfully Obama doesn’t seem afraid to take on those who disagree with him. “Too many supporters of my party have resisted the idea of rewarding excellence in teaching with extra pay,” he said, “even though we know it can make a difference in the classroom.” Despite the anger over the message, teachers unions liked the fact that he appears to be willing to compromise on the issue, unlike Bush. source

23 Feb 2009 22:24


U.S.: MS to laid-off employees: You know what? Keep the extra cash.

  • MS has a change of heart. After being seen as heartless by sending letters like these to former employees, the Windows maker has changed its mind about asking for that severance money back. In case you’re wondering, MS, nobody will complain if you decide to take back Vista. Or Songsmith. source

04 Feb 2009 10:42


Biz, U.S., World: How much could bailed-out execs get their pay capped?

  • $500,000 plus stock options source