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10 Dec 2009 21:44


U.S.: Nothing like a massive spending bill to make us consider life

  • $447 billion the size of the massive spending bill that the House just passed
  • 221 yay, 202 nay the breakdown of votes in the House – some Dems said no source

26 Oct 2009 09:20


Offbeat: Chinese kids have to do the dumbest things for some reason

Apparently, Chinese children have to salute all cars that pass. ‘Cause you never know when one of these cars is going to be carrying the corpse of Chairman Mao. source

17 Sep 2009 11:04


U.S.: The Senate Dems’ biggest health-care challenge: Getting 60 votes

  • 59 Democrats (and one Republican) are needed to push it through source

06 Aug 2009 20:58


U.S.: Cash reclunked: The senate lets more clunker funds flow

  • 60-37 looks just like the Sotomayor vote source

20 May 2009 16:49


Biz, U.S.: The House wants to regulate credit cards, too