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29 Sep 2009 10:34


World: Wait wait … Iran says it has nuclear “rights”? Explain.

  • Iran will not discuss issues related to its nuclear ‘rights’ … in Geneva on Thursday. But we can discuss about disarmament, we can discuss about non-proliferation and other general issues. The new site is part of our rights and there is no need to discuss.
  • Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization head Ali Akbar Salehi • Discussing the country’s nuclear program – or actually, not discussing it. If Iran doesn’t hear something it likes on Thursday and America increases economic sanctions, the country may back out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Great. Our question: Why does Iran keep doing this to themselves? The rest of the world does not understand what you’re trying to prove with the random sword-waving. • source

26 Sep 2009 16:32


U.S., World: Iran better lay out the red carpet at their nuclear facilities

  • 3 months – the deadline the U.S. will give Iran for inspections source

25 Sep 2009 09:57


U.S., World: J’accuse! Obama and his buddies gang up on Iran at G20

This is the most bizarre gang ever. But more power to Obama, Sarkozy and Brown for being willing to take on Iran sharply on that nuclear plant. source

27 Jul 2009 09:19


U.S., World: North Korea: OK, OK, we’ll talk with you Americans. But just you.

  • They’re up for bilateral talks. North Korea said they’d be willing to chat some more with the U.S. about the country’s nuclear weapons program today, which is a bit of a change from recent hard-line approaches. The North Korean Foreign Ministry emphasized that they weren’t interested in talking to a bunch of countries summit-style, though – just the U.S. However, the U.S. still wants to have six-nation talks they’ve been having. As it’s only a preference in approach, we’re sure common ground will me made and an awkward phone call that needs to happen will happen soon. source

06 Jul 2009 16:29


U.S., World: Obama and Medvedev kiss and make up…kind of

Obama and the Russian president have made nice and agreed to cut back on their nuclear weapons after a four hour meeting. Really? Maybe it was the vodka. source

30 May 2009 15:59


U.S., World: Robert Gates has all sorts of nice things to say to North Korea

  • Dependent on the charity of the international community to alleviate the hunger and suffering of its people, North Korea’s leadership has chosen to focus the North’s limited energies and resources on a reckless and ultimately self-destructive quest for nuclear weapons.
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates • On North Korea’s nuclear weapon mission that’s ultimately just pissing off the rest of the world. Gates go on to say that the U.S. “will not accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state.”  • source

07 May 2009 20:40


Tech, U.S.: We ended the cold war, hoo-ray! Wait, where’s our space fuel?

  • Because of the Cold War, the U.S. had a massive nuclear weapon supply, and as a result a huge supply of Plutonium. Oh, and a crazy space race. source
  • Now, thanks to the Cold War ending a while ago, we stopped saving plutonium and now we don’t have enough fuel for deep space exploration. Crap. source
  • To make up for the demand, needed for trips past Jupiter, the Department of Energy said that they would start making Plutonium 438 again. Woot. source