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26 Aug 2009 21:41


Sports: American Defenders no longer allowed to play baseball

  • No, really. The American Defenders didn’t pay rent. The mayor of Nashua, New Hampshire has decided to call out the minor league baseball team on its inability to pay rent by locking the doors of their home field and putting a freaking tractor on home plate so that they literally can’t play. The team, which received a notice of default on Friday, owes $45,000 in rent and fees for police and fire services. To prove that the city has no heart in a bad economy, we must point out that proceeds from last night’s game would have benefited the American Heart Association. How considerate of them. source

30 Jul 2009 11:28


Offbeat: Police report: Pimpin’ ain’t easy, but some journos gotta do it

They guy in this complaint? Kevin Provencher, a well-known sportswriter in New Hampshire. Charged with pimping. Seriously. source

03 Jun 2009 18:41


Culture: J.D. Salinger FINALLY comes out of hiding … to file a lawsuit

  • There’s no more to Holden Caulfield. Read the book again. It’s all there. Holden Caulfield is only a frozen moment in time.
  • A 1980 quote from J.D. Salinger • Referred to in his lawsuit against the producers of “60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye,” a book that brings Holden Caulfield into the present day. The producers of the book, which is authored by “J.D. California,” also make lots and lots of joke books. Salinger, based in New Hampshire, has successfully avoided the spotlight since last publishing in 1965. May we just point out – gay marriage legal in NH on the same day NH’s most famous recluse returns to the public eye? Clearly not a coincidence. • source

03 Jun 2009 18:31


U.S.: Gay marriage continues its New England revolution in NH

  • New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch signed the latest bill legalizing gay marriage, making them the sixth state to legalize it. source
  • However, Lynch had one caveat – which was agreed to – protecting the rights of those opposed to gay marriage. source

07 May 2009 08:48


U.S.: Lots of tide-turning news on the gay marriage front

  • Nearby New Hampshire is right behind with legislation, but faces a tougher battle in the form of an undecided governor who has yet to sign the bill.

13 Apr 2009 08:58


U.S.: A N.H. blaze takes a massive toll on a conference center

  • 50 buildings were destroyed in a multiple-alarm blaze; 4 hurt source