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12 May 2011 17:08


Politics: Meghan McCain responds to Glenn Beck’s “vomiting” at the sight of her

  • There really is no need to make something like my participation in a skin cancer PSA into a sexist rant about my weight and physical appearance, because I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Glenn: You are the only one who looks bad in this scenario, and at the end of the day you have helped me generate publicity for my skin cancer PSA, a cause that I feel quite passionate about.
  • Meghan McCain • Responding to Glenn Beck’s rather terrible criticism (if you can call pretending to vomit at the sight of somebody a criticism) of her involvement in a PSA about skin cancer awareness. The spot features a myriad of pseudo-celebrities posing in ways to make them seem nude, without showing anything explicit. Presumably because Meghan is a bit curvier than some of the others, Glenn Beck decided it was a ripe time to pretend to puke for a few minutes. McCain is absolutely right about this. Beck looks like the worst kind of crass antagonist, a millionaire in his middle age acting like some petulant, unfunny little boy because a younger woman doesn’t suit his ideal of beauty. It’s wholly sexist, and utterly shameful. source

07 Dec 2009 20:58



  • Tiger Woods is currently seeing his life getting destroyed. Apparently, because all the juicy crap in the previous post wasn’t enough, Playgirl has something potentially even more damaging on the table. Apparently, there are nude photos – likely cell-phone shot – of everyone’s favorite family-friendly golfer in the buff. Jesus Christ. You know what, this shit isn’t even funny anymore. LEAVE TIGER ALONE! source

03 Jul 2009 12:06


Offbeat: These flight attendants sure know how to wear body paint well

  • This video sure raised some eyebrows. Somehow, having stewardesses and pilots wearing nothing but some well-placed paint and seat belts on this Air New Zealand flight safety video makes the rapping flight attendant seem super-passe.source

19 Feb 2009 21:49


Culture: Kate Winslet won’t let anyone draw her naked anymore

  • I think I won’t do it again: a) I can’t keep getting away with it, and b) I don’t want to become ‘that actress who always gets her kit off.’
  • Kate Winslet • on her decision to stop getting naked for the camera. The actress, nominated for a Best Actress Oscar for “The Reader,” apparently does it too much and is worried about her onscreen reputation. If she changes her mind, a bunch of perverts probably wouldn’t mind. • source

01 Feb 2009 14:00


Music: Just to keep your attention, here’s a naked photo of Morrissey

“The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get” is even creepier in context of this photo. source