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19 Dec 2010 11:07


World: Travelers stuck in Europe, going crazy ’cause it’s almost Christmas

Proof that Mother Nature hates Europeans – it’s the weekend before Christmas, one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, and images like this one exist. Snow sucks. source

24 Dec 2009 10:23


U.S.: Mother nature hates us and wants us to suffer on Xmas Eve

Dear weather, we know we can’t control you, but if you’re gonna storm, mind waiting until it’s really cold, so it’s at least snow, not freezing rain? Thanks. source

22 Sep 2009 20:49


U.S.: Lest you underestimate Mother Nature’s fury in this flood …

  • That, friends, is Mother Nature’s fury. This photo was taken at the Yellow River in Conyers, Ga. by Flickr guy jramspott. The whole set is worth seeing, really.source