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20 Sep 2010 09:44


Culture: “My Generation” may be fake, but its iPad app is pretty real

  • While we admit to being disappointed that the plot to this ABC series isn’t actually a documentary where a bunch of kids were followed and retraced a decade later, we will admit that this is pretty cool. This iPad app can detect audio from the episode and provide cues from within the app. We live in the future, guys. Kinda. source

01 Aug 2009 11:34


Culture: Fred Willard, that icon of cheese, has work again – on YouTube!

  • Willard, known his killer roles in Christopher Guest mock-docs, isn’t above doing ad work, and honestly we wouldn’t have it any other way, considering how awesome these FedEx infomercial parodies are.source

12 Jul 2009 11:44


Culture: “Brüno” did böffo at the böx öffice this weekend

  • $30.6 million in sales for a man pretending to be gay source

04 Mar 2009 10:28


Culture: Spinal Tap’s back on tour. Kinda.

Christopher Guest and his mock-doc buddies are going on the road, sans wigs. source