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27 Jun 2011 14:27


Tech, World: Fun fact: Chinese Twitter clone nearly as big as Twitter itself

  • 57% the share of China’s microbloggers that use Sina Weibo — a Chinese Twitter clone; that’s roughly 140 million users (compared to Twitter’s roughly 200 million worldwide)
  • 87% the share of China’s total microblogging activity that goes through Sina Weibo; not bad for a former Yahoo-like portal site that’s stretching its wings source
  • » This is pretty huge. China has more internet users than any other country, and Sina is dominating their microblogging market. They’re trying to make themselves more than just China’s Twitter, though; they want to add more Facebook-like features as well. But that won’t be easy. Competition is fierce, because no single social media site dominates and the company faces strong competition from RenRen and Tencent. On top of that, though, Sina has to police its users and censor them if they’re talking against the government — something Twitter doesn’t have to do. Regardless, this sort of outside-in social media cloning is pretty fascinating to us.

15 Dec 2009 21:20


Tech: Microsoft: Uh, yeah, we totally Plurked that code. Sorry.

  • The company blames a Chinese vendor for the theft. A day after basically getting emasculated by a small developer called Plurk, Microsoft admitted that some of the code for their new Chinese microblogging program, Juku, had been taken from the company. “In the wake of this incident, Microsoft and our MSN China joint venture will be taking a look at our practices around applications code provided by third-party vendors,” they said. Probably a good idea. source

17 Apr 2009 08:37


Culture, Tech: Today’s a really big day for Twitter’s popular consciousness

  • Kutcher’s role as celebrity ambassador for Twitter only starts there, as he’ll be on Oprah today talking about the feat. Will Oprah have a book club effect on Twitter? God, we hope not.
  • Ashton
  • Oprah

04 Apr 2009 12:34


Tech: Many Internet users think 140 characters is enough for them

  • 11% of U.S. ‘net users microblog – including using Twitter source

06 Mar 2009 16:28


Tech: “I think” Twistori is a pretty cool idea

See that? Content filters! Simple design! Fun concept! Take that, Twitter haters! source

03 Mar 2009 10:25


Tech: Facebook + Twitter: They almost merged. Almost.

  • It became pretty clear it wasn’t going to happen. The deal would have to be done with Facebook stock. And then you have to figure out how much the stock is worth.
  • Peter Thiel • Facebook board member and a co-founder of Paypal. Thiel confirmed a proposed merger of Facebook and Twitter, which only fell apart because nobody knew how much Facebook’s stock was really worth. Structurally, it makes sense: status updates are essentially tweets. • source