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24 Feb 2011 10:56


Tech: Apple’s new MacBook Pro makes us long for an upgrade

  • Admit it. They’re MacBook Pros. Of course you want to have sex with these machines. That said – the changes in the new MBP lineup appear to be under the hood rather than cosmetic in nature, with a way faster processor and graphics card, a much nicer camera, and something called ThunderBolt, a potential USB replacement that Apple says is 12 times faster than Firewire and 20 times faster than the ubiquitous port technology. It makes our current unibody Mac seem like a piece of crap we picked up from the scrap heap two years ago. source

27 Oct 2010 21:44


Tech: How many employees does Apple have? We know the answer

  • 46,600 that’s way up from just last year source

19 Oct 2009 20:18


Biz, Tech: After a killer profit report, Apple’s stock is on a tear

  • Somehow, Apple outdid themselves again. More people than ever are buying Macs, with sales up 17 percent from a year ago. And the stock, as you can see, is reacting positively to the fact that the company has $1.67 billion in profits this quarter. It hit a record high today. The cult of Steve is stronger than ever.source