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02 Dec 2009 21:19


Biz: Verizon and AT&T quit their idiotic legal battles over ads

  • Verizon The tech giant sued AT&T for its “More Bars in More Places” claim – and because AT&T’s service completely sucks. Lawsuit settled.
  • AT&T The iPhone provider sued Verizon for map ads, which noted how anemic AT&T’s 3G coverage is. Lawsuit settled. source

18 Nov 2009 21:57


Tech: AT&T doesn’t win their Verizon lawsuit, hits back with the Frat Pack

  • So, as you might’ve guessed, AT&T’s lawsuit against Verizon went nowhere today – the company whose name starts with a V gets to continue to run their ads. But that’s oh-kay, because they got Luke Wilson. Hi Luke! How’s Owen?source