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03 Aug 2010 09:50


U.S.: The FBI thinks Wikipedia has no right to use its logo

  • The reasoningWikipedia puts logos on its various pages, often recreating them in a vector format in cases where the original is a low-resolution sample. Also, most things acquired by the U.S. government, from logos to photos to numerous other assets are designated public domain. Certain insignias, such as the FBI’s, however, are restricted for non-copyright reasons.

    The conflict This particular logo of the FBI led to Wikipedia’s offices getting a letter claiming that “Whoever possesses any insignia …or any colourable imitation thereof..shall be fined … or imprisoned … or both.” Considering that the seal is commonly used in other places, this seems like an odd source to attack. source

16 Apr 2010 13:46


Politics: Daily Show’s war on Fox News takes on issues of logo design

  • Can we stop comparing logos to other logos and trying to draw meaning from the conclusions? Seriously. Next think you know, someone’s gonna start calling us commies because we use a lot of red in our site design.

28 Jul 2009 11:02


Biz: The evolution of two soda company icons, in logo form

On the left: A constantly-changing icon that wins a lot of taste tests. On the right: A stable, consistent brand. (Minus the New Coke thing.) source