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06 Mar 2010 17:31


Tech: Trending topic recap: Justin Bieber vs. Jonas Brothers vs. Chile

  • We’re convinced that 13-year-old girls are slowly taking over Twitter, based on this chart. Chile was the most popular of the week (though WhatTheTrend would disagree), but Justin Bieber and “Jonas” (which we used to cover both the Jonas Brothers and Joe Jonas’ solo career) were right behind. Twitter should consider expanding trending topics, because they’re slowly becoming less useful.

23 Jun 2009 22:46


Culture: This smug bastard is responsible for pretty much everything you hate

Jonas Brothers? Hannah Montana? Lizzie McGuire? High School Musical? Blame Disney Channel president Rich Ross. SCREW. YOU. source

28 Feb 2009 09:48


Culture: The Jonas Brothers are popping into theaters, pissing us off

  • I hope the fans we surprise at the movie theaters we visit have as much fun as I know we are going to have.
  • Joe Jonas • On the band’s current trend of showing up at random movie theaters this weekend. They have a new movie out, “Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience,” which we have no desire to see because we’re neither preteen nor female. • source