No, really. A study says so. Three sociologists, based in California and Michigan – two perfect locations for a study like this – say that chronic worry about job loss leads to health decline more than the job loss itself. “Persistent stress is a strain on people. It is the unrelenting nature of the uncertainty that really gets you,” their study noted. So lighten up and act as if your crappy job isn’t even in jeopardy. source
When we receive our monthly job report next week, it is likely to show that we are continuing to lose far too many jobs in this country. As far as I’m concerned, we will not have a recovery as long as we keep losing jobs.
President Barack Obama • In his weekly radio address, describing the state of the economy. The president says that it will take “many more months to fully dig ourselves out of a recession – a recession that we’ve now learned was even deeper than anyone thought.” • source