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05 Sep 2010 21:52


Tech: Is the new iPod Nano simply begging to be an iWatch?

9To5Mac came up with this use of the new iPod Nano, and it certainly makes a lot more sense in this context, doesn’t it? source

02 Sep 2010 00:10


Tech: Oh yeah, we almost forgot: Apple released a bunch of crap

  • Steve Jobs needed a good keynote today, after all of the crappy PR Apple has faced over the last few months. And he did a great job. Too bad that guy had to go into the Discovery Building and hold it hostage. But that said, the products were pretty cool. Our favorites were the new iPod Nanos (above) and the freshly updated iPod Touch. And the Apple TV update was definitely a good move – especially the newfound focus on Netflix. We’re totally pouring a 40, though, for the old-school iPod Classic, which wasn’t updated at all this year (though it’s still for sale). source