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13 Jun 2010 20:50


Tech: Hacker who NARCed out Wikileaks source getting death threats

  • I couldn’t just not do anything, knowing lives were in danger. It’s classified information, and when you play Russian roulette, how do you know there’s not a bullet in the next chamber?
  • Hacker Adrian Lamo • Discussing his decision to tell federal agents that he suspected Bradley Manning was leaking information to WikiLeaks. Since then, it’s been anything but fun and games for Lamo, nicknamed the “homeless hacker” for his fairly transient lifestyle. He’s gotten death threats. People have been ordering pizzas under his name. He’s reviled in the hacker community. And before this, he was simply famous for being the guy who hacked into the New York Times. source

26 Mar 2010 11:18


Biz: Cost of a year in prison: Two million stolen debit and credit cards

  • 40
    number of card numbers Albert Gonzalez, 28, stole via hacking
  • 20
    number of years he’ll be spending in prison; privacy is cheap source

21 Jan 2010 09:27


29 Dec 2009 21:17


U.S.: Albert Gonzalez: Meet the guy who stole lots of credit card numbers

  • See this guy over here? You hate him. This guy is named Albert Gonzalez, and he’s responsible for stealing 130 million credit card numbers, along with two Russian hackers who probably look like video game characters. If you’ve ever shopped at 7-Eleven, there’s a good chance your card was stolen by this guy. He pleaded guilty today. So remember. Hate him. You. source

30 Sep 2009 20:16


Tech: Thinking big with a homemade windmill: Could DIY save Africa?

  • I’m convinced that if we could harness even a third of this talent and creativity, Africa wouldn’t have to rely so much on corrupt governments and international aid for assistance.
  • Malawi-based hacker William Kamkwamba • Discussing how he built a windmill to provide energy for his family using junk very creatively. Beyond building his own windmill, Kamkwamba built many of the tools he needed to put it together – melting plastic bags, turning bike spokes into screwdrivers and even making drills out of nails and cobs of corn. He wants to take the lessons of his invention to the rest of Africa. Hopefully, he can. He sounds very inventive. • source

09 May 2009 08:52


Tech, U.S.: Why UC Berkeley students shouldn’t be happy right now

  • 160,000 students and alumni had their personal information stolen by hackers source