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09 Jun 2009 09:38


U.S.: Cali. Gov. Ahnold: Textbooks are heavy. Let’s get rid of them!

  • That’s one $350 million bill he doesn’t want to pay. Governator Arnold Schwartzenegger, looking for ways to save a little money in a huge deficit, is talking about getting kids out of textbooks and onto the Internet instead. And it’s not because the technology is so great. It’s because books are expensive and he has a $24.3 billion deficit to kill. *Whew.* Good luck duder. source

15 May 2009 13:09


U.S.: The Terminator is complaining loudly about California’s budget

  • $6 billion is how much Arnold wants to bail out California source

06 Feb 2009 16:56


U.S.: “Furlough Friday” in California: It’s like vacation, only it sucks

  • 238,000 workers were forced to take the day two Fridays a month by Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger; it’s planned to last at least 17 months source