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06 Feb 2010 10:36


Tech: Google underestimates the uses of Chrome’s “Incognito Mode”

  • For times when you want to browse in stealth mode, for example, to plan surprises like gifts or birthdays, Google Chrome offers the incognito browsing mode.
  • A note on the Google Chrome help page • Regarding the site’s incognito mode, which allows one to hide their browsing habits from their cache. This is hilarious, because everyone knows the feature’s in there to hide people’s porn browsing habits. It’s possible, though, that the surprise gift might be porn. source

03 Feb 2010 22:26


Tech, World: Italy’s trying to screw over YouTube for some stupid reason

  • The background In 2006, a video of a child with Down’s syndrome getting attacked showed up on YouTube. Italy has gone after Google for the video big time, suing major executives and arguing that they should screen their content. Google argues this is a bad idea because it’s impossible.
  • The changes Now, Italy is considering taking the policy a step further. They want to force user-generated content sites like YouTube to be liable for what it posts by screening all the content that goes through and getting licenses to distribute the content online. Gah. What a bad idea.
  • The motives? Who’s the Prime Minister? Oh yeah, Silvio Berlusconi. Anyway, some suggest the government’s putting the hammer down due to Berlusconi trying to protect the content of his total-conflict-of-interest media and entertainment companies. Tinfoil hat time. source

02 Feb 2010 21:04


Tech: Google decides to bite the bullet, adds multitouch to the Nexus One

  • They could set themselves up for a patent battle with Apple. When the Google Nexus One launched, one of the biggest things it was lacking was multitouch – a seemingly obvious advantage the iPhone (along with Palm’s Pre and Pixi) held over it. Apple has a lot of patents on the technology, which would seemingly make it off limits. Today, though, Google enabled the feature in a software update, which should at the very least cause a cluster#(&@ … or nothing. We’ll see. source

01 Feb 2010 18:52


Biz, Tech: The Associated Press continues its shakedown of Web giants

  • We’re breaking our longstanding AP boycott for this story. The Associated Press today reached a new deal with our boys at Yahoo News, giving the wire service more money to host the content from the news service we know and love. Details aren’t being disclosed, but let’s just say that no major changes are taking place as of yet. Oh yeah, Google News hasn’t hosted AP stories since their contract expired in December. Didya know that? You probably didn’t notice, because Google News is that good. source

01 Feb 2010 08:43


Tech: Steve Jobs reportedly has a Jobsian fit against Google and Adobe

  • Word on the street is that Steve Jobs had a pretty epic unloading session on both Google and Adobe late last week at Apple headquarters in the wake of the iPad launch, noting how 1.) Google got into the phone business even though Apple didn’t get into the search business, 2.) Google’s “Don’t be Evil” motto is “bull*%*^” or “a load of crap” depending on who you ask, and 3.) Apple doesn’t support Flash on its iPhone and iPad because it’s so buggy, and the company makes no effort to do anything with the technology Apple makes. source

27 Jan 2010 08:17


Tech, World: Google’s “older sister” wants it to stick around in China

  • Sister was very happy when brother gave up the thought of leaving and stayed for sister.
  • A message on the “Goojje” Web site • Regarding Google’s possible leaving of the Chinese market. In Chinese, the syllable “gle” is pronounced like the word for “older brother.” Goojje, a new search engine, takes advantage of this, using the syllable “jje” to stand for “older sister.” Who’s mama bear, Baidu? source

25 Jan 2010 10:38


U.S., World: The Google hacking turning into a diplomatic he said/she said

  • U.S. Claims the Internet should be free. Has Google’s back 110% in the situation. Wants an investigation of China’s online activity.
  • China Says any claims by the U.S. are “groundless.” Claims the U.S. is responsible for hacking China. Called Hillary a poopyface. source

23 Jan 2010 10:52


Tech: Internet Explorer 6 fans get a taste of a major in-the-wild exploit

  • It’s the same one that led to Google’s Gibson getting hacked. It’s been warned about for weeks, and Microsoft patched Internet Explorer ahead of its normal release cycle to prevent it, but it’s official – the hack exploited by the Chinese is out in the wild. The exploit was bad enough, but what might be worse is the fact that Microsoft reportedly knew about it in freaking September and only patched it this week. Massive fail. source

23 Jan 2010 10:10


Biz, Tech: Want to own a huge chunk of Google? Ask Larry and Sergey.

  • 10 million voting shares are going on sale; buy low, sell high source

21 Jan 2010 09:10


U.S., World: Hillary Clinton lays down the gauntlet against cyberattacks

  • Countries or individuals that engage in cyber attacks should face consequences and international condemnation. In an interconnected world, an attack on one nation’s networks can be an attack on all.
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton • In a speech she plans to give this morning on China’s reported hacking of companies like Google. Clinton reportedly also will bring up concerns specifically about the Google attack. China, for its part, says the attack shouldn’t be overstated. source