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16 Apr 2010 11:18


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ stocks look like a waterfall this morning

16 Apr 2010 11:09


Biz: Why Goldman Sachs is feeling the SEC’s wrath this morning

  • one Goldman Sachs
    reportedly offered a
    mortgage to its
    customers, then bet
    against it on Wall Street.
  • two It managed to
    profit handily, staying relatively unscathed during the worst of the financial crisis.
  • three The SEC sued them
    this morning, making
    some fairly damning
    claims after noticing
    funny stuff. source

16 Apr 2010 11:01


06 Feb 2010 10:27


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ CEO tightens his belt, relatively speaking

  • $67
    amount Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein made in bonuses after a record 2007 for the company
  • $9
    amount the CEO made in bonuses after a record 2009; how thoughtful of him to cut back source

21 Jan 2010 09:34


Biz: Somebody’s just had a record year: Goldman Sachs shows off

  • $13.4
    in profits through all of 2009, which is pretty much a record year for them; freaking showoffs
  • $16.2
    in bonuses given last year, which sounds high but is the lowest they’ve given since 1999 source

15 Oct 2009 10:32


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ gains cancel out Citigroup’s losses

16 Jul 2009 14:32


Biz: JP Morgan follows the Goldman Sachs route to post-bailout profits

  • $2.7 billion JP Morgan’s profit this quarter, up 36% from a year ago and 27% from the last quarter; as you might guess, investors are giving each other high-fives right now source

13 Jul 2009 09:46


Biz: At Goldman Sachs, profits are huge, yet inexplicable

  • $2.12 billion amount Goldman Sachs lost in a single quarter last fall, when they needed bailout help from the government source

15 Apr 2009 04:18


Biz, U.S.: Goldman Sachs: Here’s your bailout money back. We don’t need it.

  • $10 billion amount the company returned to the federal government recently source

13 Apr 2009 18:37


Biz: Someone’s making money. Might as well be Goldman Sachs.

  • $1.66 billion in 1Q profits for the investment company source