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22 Nov 2009 20:40


Offbeat: Dear middle schoolers: Stop beating redheads ’cause they’re different

  • The beating was tied back to Facebook. A group of seventh and eighth graders at A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas, Calif. decided to take out their ginger rage on a poor 12-year-old twice in one day. Investigators tied the attack to a Facebook page claiming that Friday was “Kick a Ginger Day.” While the kid wasn’t seriously injured, there are better sources of inspiration than South Park. source

10 Aug 2009 21:32


Offbeat: Redheads are in fact different from the rest of us, say dentists

  • A gene mutation makes them feel pain more. The American Dental Association recently published a study in their medical journal and found that redheads are more sensitive to pain at the dentist – requiring more anesthesia and often avoiding dentist visits as a result. The ADA blames the gene MC1R, which redheads and some brown-headed stepchildren also have. We wish we understood, guys. But we don’t. Sorry. source