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07 Mar 2011 15:02


Tech: New research may foreshadow leap in heart disease prevention

  • 13 gene regions linked to heart disease by scientific research source
  • » Cracking the heart disease code: As anybody with a family history, or personal history of heart disease knows, it’s a frightening and pervasive concern. It should come as thrilling news, then, that a group of scientists believe they’ve located thirteen different gene regions that may indicate a vulnerability to heart attack. Though the knowledge is admittedly limited, and is likely years from practical application in a doctor’s office, advancements like these are what give us hope for a brighter, healthier future, with fewer people unexpectedly dropping dead.

30 Oct 2010 12:27


Biz, Tech: Does the U.S. think companies should patent genes?

  • NO they think that genes are part of nature and shouldn’t be source
  • » Why this is a big deal: Well, among other things, this is a change of policy for them, one that could make it harder for the biotechnology and medicine industries to keep innovations unique. We wish that the government would make this distinction on software patents over trivial things. See, that’s where a change in decision is necessary.

20 Sep 2010 12:39


U.S.: Next up for carnivores: genetically-engineered salmon

Who wants genetically engineered salmon? If approved by the FDA, it would be the first genetically modified animal given a thumbs-up. source

31 Jul 2010 11:09


Tech: Guy behind Human Genome Project: It’s “useless information”

  • We have, in truth, learned nothing from the genome other than probabilities. How does a 1 or 3 percent increased risk for something translate into the clinic? It is useless information.
  • Human Genome Project researcher Craig Venter • Regarding the end result (as of right now) of all the work he did with the Human Genome Project. “We couldn’t even be certain from my genome what my eye color was,” he also claims. “Isn’t that sad?” These are harsh words because of the fact that he spent so much of his life working on this project. But it doesn’t mean it’s a total wash – Venter is looking to use his history in genetic research to help create new forms of energy. Which, let’s face it, would be cool. source

13 Jun 2010 11:51


Tech: The Human Genome Project didn’t cure cancer after all, guys

  • $3
    amount that was spent to decode the human genome, a project finished a decade ago
  • not
    the project’s benefit to the medical world since then (its original selling point) source
  • » Clarification: While the completion of the Human Genome Project led to Bill Clinton saying that it will “revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases,” it hasn’t led to direct cures but perhaps more informed answers. It’s becoming clear to some that rare variants, not common genes, are likely the cause of many diseases. Meaning it’s not a silver bullet but a definite starting point. “Genomics is a way to do science, not medicine,” said Harold Varmus, the incoming chair of the National Cancer Institute.

07 Jan 2010 10:55


Tech: A good percentage of human beings already going viral

  • 8% of DNA in human beings comes from a virus source

04 Oct 2009 11:29


Tech: Let’s start thinking of our bodies as computer parts, OK?

  • When your hard drive dies, you can go to the nearest computer store, buy a new one, and swap it out. That’s because it’s a standard part in a machine. The entire electronics industry is based on a plug-and-play mentality. … Why shouldn’t we use biological parts in the same way?
  • UC Berkeley biochemical engineering professor Jay Keasling • Discussing his philosophy on health and disease. It’s a very nontraditional approach. Cells are hardware. Genetic information is software. And by their powers combined, you have a new limb. Warning: Massive New Yorker profile piece at the link. Take a long lunch. (Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan.) • source

04 Mar 2009 09:57


Offbeat: Don’t tell Nadya Suleman about this designer fertility clinic

  • Your baby, as you want it. LA Fertility Institutes wants to help you design the perfect designer baby. The clinic allows you to specify what your baby looks like – you pick the hair and eye color, wait nine months, and all of a sudden, a new accessory for your pink stroller pops out! If this sounds a little wrong and creepy, it’s because it kind of is. source