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18 Oct 2011 11:04


U.S.: Gallup poll: Americans favoring pot legalization at record levels

  • 50% of respondents want to see marijuana legalized — the first time it’s reached a full majority
  • 46% of respondents would rather that marijuana remain illegal … a number that’s been declining for years source
  • » Will we reach a tipping point? Quite possibly, the study suggests: “If this current trend on legalizing marijuana continues, pressure may build to bring the nation’s laws into compliance with the people’s wishes,” the summary noted. Considering the current state of affairs in California, public outcry is completely understandable. Think it’ll eventually happen?

07 Jan 2010 08:44


Politics: Conservatives outnumbered moderates, dirty liberals in 2009

  • 40% of people identify themselves as conservative
  • 36% call themselves moderates and other bad words
  • 21% say they’re really freaking liberal and don’t think it’s a bad word source

20 Nov 2009 19:14


U.S.: It’s official. Obama’s job approval rating is no longer above 50%.

  • 49% of respondents in today’s Gallup poll big-upped the president’s job performance source