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09 Apr 2010 20:20


World: Live explosive pulled out of dude’s head very, very carefully

Only two people were in the room with the Afghan soldier that had this live explosive removed from his scalp. Everyone else was evacuated in case it blew up. source

05 Jan 2010 21:07


U.S.: Honey flare-up: A false-positive “explosive” has travelers abuzz

  • Excuse me sir, what’s in the jar? A California airport was shut down for hours today after somebody brought some containers of honey through the security check. The substance tested positive for explosives. Really, it was just explosively delicious. Call it sweet consolation. source

04 Jul 2009 12:52


World: OK, our fireworks sucked. But North Korea’s were explosive

  • 7 short-range missiles in seven hours; someone’s looking to start drama source

25 Mar 2009 22:30


U.S.: Fingers crossed. They may have unjammed the North Dakota flood.

  • Ice was gumming up the works. They blew it up. Explosives took out 500 feet of ice in the Missouri River just south of the flooding point, which may lessen the level of the could-be-record-breaking North Dakota flood. They’re not out of the woods yet, though, and 1,700 people have already been evacuated from low-lying areas. Did it work? “We are cautiously optimistic,” said Bismarck Mayor John Warford. source