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27 Dec 2011 21:36


World: Prince Philip leaves hospital, immediately heads to gun-shooting party

  • Some people had expected him to grab his gun and race off to start shooting again as soon as he got back to Sandringham – but he is being sensible.
  • A Norfolk, England villager • Discussing the recent release of Prince Philip from the hospital. The Duke of Edinburgh, who is married to Queen Elizabeth, began his hospital stay Friday night after complaining of chest pains. He had to miss out on the family’s Christmas and Boxing Day traditions — but left the hospital in good spirits. The 90-year-old royal figure received a minimally-invasive coronary stenting procedure, and was released Tuesday; he’s been ordered to rest, however. Over the past year he has attended over 300 public and formal engagements, so resting might be harder than it sounds for him. In fact, as soon as he left, he went to a shooting party at the Sandringham Estate, where he was said to be in a “cheerful” mood. source

02 Oct 2011 10:59


World: Reports: Occupy Manchester draws big crowds, peaceful protests

  • 30,000 people marching in Manchester source
  • » A peaceful protest emphasized: Before Sunday’s protests (timed with a Conservative Party conference) began, organizers went out of their way to emphasize to police that the protests would not be anything like the violent riots in August, which started in London and eventually made their way to Manchester. “Organizers of the demo have made it clear that they want a peaceful protest.” said Assistant Chief Constable Ian Hopkins. “We have given some very strong messages that the police, the courts and the public won’t tolerate the sort of behavior we saw in August and we’re here today to make sure that anyone who does think they can step out of line will very quickly learn that they can’t.” Thus far, things have remained peaceful, with only one protester hurt (she fell).

10 Aug 2011 14:28


World: London riots: Overworked officials fighting fire with water

  • 1,100 people arrested in the London riots source
  • » And authorities are fed up. That’s why they’re planning on breaking out the water cannons — which have never been used in England before. While London has been more calm today, violence has begun breaking out in other cities. The fact that they’re going to all new measures for security shows just how desperate they are for it, but they have a good reason to be. The riots are calling into question authorities’ ability to keep London secure. It’s not a good time for this to crop up — they can’t afford the extra instability ahead of the 2012 Olympics.

17 Sep 2010 11:36


U.S.: Proof the Pope is no longer in the Vatican: Terrorism arrests

  • 5 people arrested on terror charges related to the Pope source

13 Jun 2010 11:44


05 Nov 2009 09:55


Offbeat: Protip: If you pee on a wartime memorial, you’re probably drunk

  • The image of your urinating over the poppy wreath on the war memorial in this city will make most turn away in disgust, shock and sadness.
  • District Judge Anthony Browne • Describing Phillip Laing’s actions, which included urinating on a war memorial in Sheffield, England. The sports technology student at Sheffield Hallam University, 19, claims he doesn’t remember the October 11 incident and that he was “very, very drunk, the drunkest I’ve ever been since I’ve been at university.” Dude just needed some relief! • source

02 Nov 2009 10:16


World: British texting-while-driving laws some of the world’s toughest

  • She came across as a lovely young girl, and I’m sure it wasn’t a nice feeling for the judge to send someone like this to prison — but someone is dead because of a text message.
  • Oxford, England police officer Bill Sykes • Describing Phillipa Curtis, who was sentenced to 21 months in prison for a car crash that led to the death of up-and-coming fashion designer Victoria McBryde. What caused the crash? Curtis was texting on her phone. While McBryde’s parents feel the sentence was too lenient, many others feel it wasn’t. The U.K. has some of the strictest texting-while-driving laws in the world. While Curtis was not sending a text message at the time of the crash, she was sending a number of them around the time the crash happened – enough to convict her on. Scary. And sad. • source

20 Aug 2009 10:27


Offbeat: Putpockets: They’re like pickpockets except with good intentions

If you’re in London and find couple extra pounds in your pocket, credit some pickpockets who are making up for their sins. source

02 Jun 2009 10:42


Offbeat: Long-suffering farmers: Watch out for the giant 600-foot jellyfish

This 600-foot beast convinced us of what we already knew: crop circles are probably man-made by massive nerdlingers. source

27 Apr 2009 08:46


Offbeat: Don’t mess with this horse’s awesome moustache, OK?

  • He’s obviously rather proud of his facial hair. He runs a mile if he thinks we’re going to trim it.
  • Groomer Justine Greenslade • On Gloucestershire, England horse Alfie and his epic moustache, which is a completely different color from the rest of his mane. We wish we could claim a moustache this awesome, but instead we’re forced to be mild-mannered like the rest of society. • source