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25 Sep 2010 09:23


U.S.: Getting people to eat veggies is like pulling teeth

  • 26%of people eat veggies three or more times a day source
  • 23% of all meals include a vegetable
  • 17%of meals at home include a salad
  • 5%of meals at restaurants are salads source
  • » And in case you’re wondering: No, that doesn’t include fries, guys.

22 May 2010 11:29


Culture: Pac-Man creator has bizarre ideas of what women want

  • When you think about things women like, you think about fashion, or fortune-telling, or food or dating boyfriends. So I decided to theme the game around ‘eating’ — after eating dinner, women like to have dessert.
  • Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani • Regarding how he came about creating what some call the first casual game. Other notes: Yeah, he came up with Pac Man’s design based on a pizza that was missing a slice. And it’s weird to consider, but it was the first character-driven video game. The game celebrates its 30th anniversary today. (Google simply got a head start.) source

28 Mar 2010 10:59


Biz: What’s for dinner? Chicken is up there with beef nowadays

Pork, a firm number two for years, has now been relegated to number three. Turkey’s seeing a rise in popularity, too. We don’t see tempeh on this chart. source

16 Feb 2010 10:37


Offbeat: Cheerleaders make good raptor food, better viral videos

  • “We’re never gonna hear from that cheerleader again!” We give a hearty thumbs up to this raptor mascot, whose modus operandi is much closer to how people really act than your average mascot. Survival of the fittest. Dance really good or get eaten.

13 May 2009 09:47


Offbeat: This guy can eat bricks better than you can. Mmmmm.

  • Hey, if he can do it, why not? His doctor appears not to have a problem with his bizarre dieting habit.source