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09 Aug 2010 21:40


Offbeat: Idiotic Krispy Kreme employee gives away the day’s revenue

  • $5,000 the amount of money a customer drove off with
  • zero the number of donuts the customer got source
  • » What the heck happened? To put it simply, the employee, unaware of the drop procedure the donut shop used, gave away the money, thinking they were donuts. Idiot.

01 Apr 2010 23:45


Biz: Dunkin’ Donuts (faux-)redesigns, reminds people of their mascot roots

It’s way too convincing for an April Fool’s joke. In this reimagining,t hey lost the donut-shaped type, and added back Dunkie, a ’50s-and-’60s icon. Awesome. source

04 Aug 2009 22:01


Offbeat: These donuts? Psycho, so much so that psychos are complaining

This California shop’s donuts aren’t the problem (they look awesome and hot nurses make ’em). It’s the name. A bunch of mental health groups are pressuring them to change it. source