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10 Apr 2010 15:09


Tech: Why are software developers acting like hurt kittens this week?

  • Apple Closed their app platform to anybody using a secondary compiler that Apple didn’t make. Adobe is crying right now.
  • Twitter Bought Tweetie, effectively
    creating an official Twitter app for an ecosystem with a lot of those.
    Et tu, Twitter? source

13 Dec 2009 10:05


Biz, World: Dubai has a big bill due tomorrow; will they pay it?

  • $3.5 billion due tomorrow; it’s like a big credit bill source

08 Dec 2009 10:09


Tech: The iPhone App Store looking lighter after scam developer removed

  • 1,000 apps from one company, mostly rip-offs of better apps, were removed from the store
  • 1% the percentage of apps they represented; they had inflated ratings and fake reviews source