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11 Nov 2009 22:00


Politics: Sean Hannity’s looking the fool thanks to Jon Stewart

  • Do you see what Jon sees? That’s right, Fox News totally lied about the size of last Thursday’s anti-health-care rally on “Hannity.” So on last night’s “Daily Show,” Stewart dressed down Hannity for trying to inflate the size of the crowd using footage of the much-larger 9/12 rally. Good job, hoser.source

14 May 2009 09:11


Culture: Jon Stewart slaps some sense into the Miss California debate

  • We still want Carrie Prejean to go away, but at least it’s a less-bitter pill than it was before. Thanks for the insight, Daily Show!source

12 Mar 2009 21:22


Biz, Politics: Give Jim Cramer credit. He took Jon Stewart head-on.

This took guts. This is why Rick Santelli didn’t show up on “The Daily Show.” Still think he’s a comedian, Jim? source

11 Mar 2009 02:44


Politics: Jim Cramer took the Jon Stewart CNBC beatdown like a whiny baby

“A COMEDIAN! A COMEDIAN had the nerve to take me down! A COMEDIAN!” source

09 Mar 2009 10:48


Politics: Jon Stewart’s not alone in his CNBC criticism

  • When they are all sitting around the table it’s hard to tell a business pundit versus a reporter.
  • Tom Rosenstiel • Director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, on the way that CNBC often combines reporting and editorializing seamlessly. He said it less funny than Stewart did, though. • source

06 Mar 2009 13:13


Culture, Politics: What Jon Stewart’s criticism means for the media

  • The American public is mad as hell right now, so why isn’t the mainstream media? Balanced reporting is important, but a balanced, modulated tone of voice? Not now.
  • Will Bunch • On The Daily Show’s hardcore takedown of Rick Santelli and CNBC the other night. He claims that the media is playing it too safe in a time when the world is full of dangerous economic times. That fair and balanced stuff isn’t cutting it anymore. • source

06 Mar 2009 10:30


Culture: Jon Stewart puts Rick Santelli in his place

This is the danger of skipping out on “The Daily Show,” friends: Jon Stewart may rip you to shreds. source