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13 Oct 2009 20:50


Offbeat: Bacon fans: Get your own custom-cured bacon named after you!

Someone give us $50 so that we can get some ShortFormStrips from The Ethical Butcher. We’re vegetarian, but amused. (Hat tip source

11 Mar 2009 09:55


Biz, Tech: Google tries serving up ads based on what (and how) you surf

  • The service explained Google’s new ad placement technology, based on user behavior from previous searches, launches today on YouTube and Google, and the rest of the Interweb in April. Oh great, now we have to worry about porn ads when we’re not surfing for por … uh, actually, we don’t surf porn. What gave you that idea? source
  • The service explained Google’s new ad placement technology, based on user behavior from previous searches, launches today on YouTube and Google, and the rest of the Interweb in April. Oh great, now we have to worry about porn ads when we’re not surfing for por … uh, actually, we don’t surf porn. What gave you that idea?
  • A privacy minefield Some people in the ad industry might think this is a good way to serve up ads. But other people look at this as a major privacy concern – the digital equivalent of Google looking through your trash and pulling out your social security number. While it might be tough to ease that concern, the service is opt-out. source