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08 Sep 2010 20:18


Politics: Obama launches into personal John Boehner attack in Ohio

What he wanted to say: “So, that John Boehner guy, he’s kind of a dick, isn’t he? Can you believe anyone would buy anything that jerk says?” source

04 Sep 2010 19:34


Politics: Ray “Banana Dude” Comfort: Stephen Hawking is full of crap

  • It is embarrassingly unscientific to speak of anything creating itself from nothing. Common sense says that if something possessed the ability to create itself from nothing, then that something wasn’t nothing, it was something – a very intelligent creative power of some sort.
  • Ray “I like bananas and Kirk Cameron” Comfort • Making a bizarrely circular argument in favor of intelligent design in the wake of Steven Hawking’s “there is no God” thang the other day. Remember, this is the guy who hangs out with Kirk Cameron. And made a silly argument for creationism using a banana. source

15 Aug 2010 11:58


Politics: Democrats may be screwed in November, but at least they know it

  • bad Some voters are really angry at Democrats for their bold agenda, and the Dems could lose big in November.
  • good On the plus side, they won’t be taken by surprise like they were in 1994, and can defend from attacks accordingly. source

15 Aug 2010 09:58


Politics: Protip to Michelle Obama: Never go to Spain again, OK?

  • 64% the first lady’s approval rating in June 2009, when she was loved
  • 50% her approval rating this week, after her glitzy trip to Spain source

13 Aug 2010 12:00


Politics: On Wikileaks, Sarah Palin does what she does best: Spouts off

  • Wikileaks staff-whomever’s calling the shots there is unconscionably aiding/abetting the enemy;don’t contribute to this. Speak out. Do right
  • A tweet from @SarahPalinUSA • Taking on Wikileaks’ decision to release more Afghan War documents. Despite the fact that Wikileaks is an organization with no U.S. ties that attempts to operate outside of any government’s control, she invokes freedom of the press in criticizing Wikileaks: “Free press protection gives no license to aid enemy,” she writes. Odds that someone at Wikileaks will heed this: Zero. source

14 Jul 2010 22:45


Politics: Black leaders distance themselves from NAACP’s Tea Party criticism

  • one Jesse Jackson calls the attention on the criticism a distraction from numerous bigger issues.
  • two Al Sharpton says that the NAACP has allowed the Modern Tea Party to have center stage.
  • three NAACP president Ben Jealous says it was a tiny part of everything he said. A tiny part! source

30 Jun 2010 21:23


Politics: Retreat your armies: Rick Barber’s big talk fades away on “Hardball”

  • Why do you keep saying government is tyranny?
  • Chris Matthews • During an interview with Alabama congressional candidate Rick “gather your armies” Barber, who completely flopped during his interview with the MSNBC talker. He doesn’t seem so convicted about his anti-income-tax, pro-rebellion criticisms in front of Matthews, who takes apart every claim of Barber’s colonial-motif ad and lays it flat on the table. It’s like Rand Paul, except more embarrassing. source

25 Jun 2010 12:45


Tech: Apple fail: They’re “holding it wrong” all over their many iPhone ads

As Engadget helpfully points out, Apple is being super-hypocritical by suggesting users, not the iPhone 4’s design, is at fault for its problems. source

22 Jun 2010 10:36


Politics: USA Today makes a pretty stupid criticism of Rolling Stone

  • Look, no matter your opinion of the mag, they’ve never strictly been a music mag. So why is USA Today launching into this criticism of the magazine in regards to the Stanley McChrystal article? Here’s what they said: “One of the odd things about this story: What’s it doing in Rolling Stone, a magazine devoted largely to music?” Maybe you haven’t read the magazine in 30 years, but their political coverage is spot-on. They have a pretty amazing political cud-chewer in the form of Matt Taibbi. And the features are usually awesome. Criticizing Rolling Stone for coverage they’ve always had is tantamount to ignorance. Now, their music coverage, on the other hand … that’s gone downhill. (Disclosure: We got bit by the journalism bug reading long features in Rolling Stone. Somehow we ended up here.) source

31 May 2010 11:52


Politics: Haaretz: This Gaza flotilla incident is Israel’s Vietnam. Ouch

  • Here in Israel, we have still yet to learn the lesson: We are no longer defending Israel. We are now defending the siege. The siege itself is becoming Israel’s Vietnam.
  • Haaretz columnist Bradley Burston • Regarding what this whole mess with Hamas and the humanitarian ship shows. Simply put, Israel is blundering its way into a massive mess. As Burston puts it, “In going to war in Gaza in late 2008, Israeli military and political leaders hoped to teach Hamas a lesson. They succeeded. Hamas learned that the best way to fight Israel is to let Israel do what it has begun to do naturally: bluster, blunder, stonewall, and fume.” Ouch. He also criticizes the country’s toxic political situation that makes things like this happen. This is an Israeli newspaper trashing Israel’s policies unforgivably. That says a lot. source