Ed Roberts may not have invented the iPad, but his invention is arguably more important. The Altair 8800 was the first personal computer produced to any sort of scale. Not that it could do much – the only thing you could do on this version was hit switches and make lights blink. But it still sold thousands out of the gate. Roberts died last night. He was 68. source
Microsoft founder Bill Gates looks like the thin-skinned kid invited to the really cool party, only to be made fun of the entire time. Well, David Bradely is right, y’know.source
We’re taking the idea that you can have a million people engaged not just in entertainment, but also have them creating huge amounts of content for other people to experience. The question is how can you transfer that to other fields besides games.
“The Sims” creator Will Wright • Discussing the possibilities of taking the more experimental ideas in his games – also including “Spore,” perhaps the most overhyped non-“Halo” game of all time – and trying to push them in other portions of the entertainment spectrum. He used the phrase “entertainment designer.” For those of you who get much joy out of seeing ultra-successful famous people possibly fail, keep an eye on Will Wright. • source
If you love it, you don’t know much about typography. If you hate it, you really don’t know much about typography, either, and you should get another hobby.
Vincent Connare • The guy who created Comic Sans in the early ’90s. Connare made it for a singular purpose in Microsoft Bob and now the font has become the bane of the man’s existence. He currently works as a typographer for Dalton Maag. • source