Yeah, Frank’s doing alright. He may have had a somewhat tough re-election campaign, but he’ll spend another day chillin’ in the House. 16 terms, folks.
It often seemed like Grayson putting on a piece of performance art, attacking Republicans with all the vitriol they normally use to attack Democrats, questioning their moral values and basic sense of humanity – and for this, people called him crazy.
Talking Points Memo writer Eric Kleefeld • Summing up the political career of Alan Grayson, a one-term congressman who perhaps had the most interesting career of any one-term congressman in years. He brought the kind of rage from the left that many on the left were used to hearing from the right. And for that, he goes home. He lost by nearly 20 percent. Dude fell hard. And flat. We will miss Grayson for the simple fact that he made the House more interesting while he was there. We won’t miss him because he was pretty much the best example of amplifying everything and hearing nothing – on either side. Jon Stewart might as well have done his whole rally to criticize Grayson’s media-attracting ways. source
lame Republican-leaning “front groups” have been pushing negative ads into campaigns across the country with little oversight. Democrats have loudly complained.
lamer Problem is, Democratic “front groups” also exist, and have been pushing negative ads into campaigns, too – most notably against Sharron Angle. source
I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that here was a relatively small country that from a strictly military point of view accomplished incredible things. I mean, they took over most of Europe and Russia, and it really took the combined effort of the free world to defeat them. From a purely historical military point of view, that’s incredible.
Ohio Republican House candidate Rich Iott • Regarding his very unfortunate hobby as a World War II Nazi re-enactor. This is something The Atlantic’s Joshua Green noticed the other day, and since then it’s kinda blown up in the dude’s face. He may claim that he’s in it for simply military reasons, but dude’s making Godwin’s Law seriously very easy for us. We can stop listening to him immediately. Seriously. source
I don’t want a tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American, sliced by a Guatemalan . . . and served in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian.
Stephen Colbert • Speaking at today’s House subcommittee hearing on immigration in the U.S. The point being made? That working farm labor jobs, as many illegal immigrants do, is really freaking hard. Colbert knows. He’s tried it before. He suggests it’s a job you, too, should try. “Americans may consider taking jobs once conditions are better,” Colbert said. “I trust both sides will work on this together in best interests of the American people – as you always do. U.S.A., Number 1.” source
Way to make yourself look like a jerk, John Conyers. We know you’re a powerful member of Congress and all, but you seriously can’t deal with the guy talking and actually drawing attention to an important issue? Wow. source