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05 Nov 2009 22:30


U.S.: Exiting New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine not acting like a lame duck

  • $400 million the amount of money Corzine wants cut from the freaking budget like, uh, yesterday source

06 Oct 2009 09:52


World: More on the U.K. Conservative Party’s “pain for everyone”

  • £18,000 the amount public sector workers have to make in the Conservatves’ plan to get their wages frozen in 2011; that’s 80% of workers source

29 Jul 2009 09:19


Politics: Arnold’s knife-wielding helped shrink California’s government

  • From the get-go, the governor was very tough in negotiations, and as a result we have a budget that substantially shrinks government. Conservatives have every reason to be overjoyed.
  • Republican Party officer Jon Fleischman • On California Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger’s hard-line approach to cutting California’s huge deficit. Schwartzenegger, a fiscal conservative, scored a huge political victory with the budget cuts. He closed off multiple roads to closing the gap (higher taxes weren’t an option, really) in an effort to make sure the cuts, in the end, meant smaller government. And he brandished a big knife in the process. • source

14 Mar 2009 13:01


U.S.: California jerks around its teachers with preliminary pink slips

  • 26,500 teachers received pink slips before the Sunday deadline to receive them. California’s public education system needs to swallow $8 billion in budget cuts, but many of these pink slips will likely be rescinded. They must be having fun right now. source