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10 Jan 2010 22:49


Politics: Max Headroom: Ahnold still feels aftershocks from “True Lies”

  • RNC VS. DNC: RAWR On “Fox News Sunday,” pretty much the only news show worth watching nowadays if you’re being sarcastic, DNC chair Tim Kaine and RNC chair Michael Steele took on the Harry Reid thing. And they both answered as you’d expect, really. Michael Steele comes off as a douche.

  • Painting: terminated When California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks, paintings fall down. Was it perhaps a result of the aftershock of speaking to the effervescent David Gregory, or maybe the Eureka quake last night? Either way, we’re freaking amused, just like David Gregory.

  • Bad point, bob A week ago, we were giving CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer credit for making a pretty spot-on point about the political echo chamber. How does he follow up? Well, by talking about what we could learn from dogs. Uh, WHAT?@! This is an e-mail chain letter.

03 Jan 2010 23:38


Politics: Max Headroom: Brit Hume hates sexually promiscuous Buddhists

  • “Strengthen the system” Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser, John Brennan, made his round on the Sunday talk shows this morning, backing up Janet Napolitano while saying that everyone would be held accountable for their jobs. David Gregory doesn’t soft-pedal when talking him, and Brennan hits him back at every beat. Properly.
  • Good Point, Bob “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer notes the reason why Napolitano got bit in the rear end last week – simply put, she tried putting a spin on an issue and failed. “It’s not lying,” he says, “but it’s not exactly the whole truth, and certainly not the whole story.” It’s the danger of the echo chamber, friends.

  • Tiger’s faith? WTF, man? On “Fox News Sunday,” Brit Hume beats on the Tiger Woods drum again, this time attacking the fact that Woods is reportedly Buddhist. He says that Woods should convert to Christianity. We say Brit’s a bigot. We also say Bill Kristol is hilarious in following him up by simply saying Tiger will win the Masters.

19 Jul 2009 17:45


Politics: Max Headroom: Trashing on Canada, remembering Cronkite

  • A friend in Canada … On “Meet the Press,” top-ranking Sen. Mitch McConnell discounts the idea of health care for all Americans using an argument involving both Ford Motor Co. and a friend of a friend who died because Canada wouldn’t allow him to get a medical procedure. Hm.

  • A friend in Canada … On “Meet the Press,” top-ranking Sen. Mitch McConnell discounts the idea of health care for all Americans using an argument involving both Ford Motor Co. and a friend of a friend who died because Canada wouldn’t allow him to get a medical procedure. Hm.

  • “It was about news” CBS’ Bob Schieffer, who’s had a full weekend of comments about Walter Cronkite to make, makes yet another one on CNN about what made Cronkite stand out – he cared about the news above all else. “He loved no scoop better than HIS scoop,” Schieffer said.

  • A friend in Canada … On “Meet the Press,” top-ranking Sen. Mitch McConnell discounts the idea of health care for all Americans using an argument involving both Ford Motor Co. and a friend of a friend who died because Canada wouldn’t allow him to get a medical procedure. Hm.

  • “It was about news” CBS’ Bob Schieffer, who’s had a full weekend of comments about Walter Cronkite to make, makes yet another one on CNN about what made Cronkite stand out – he cared about the news above all else. “He loved no scoop better than HIS scoop,” Schieffer said.

  • From bad to worse Fox News had a friendly chat this morning with Obama budget wizard Peter Orszag, who says that the economy is worse than anyone thought – backed by unemployment figures. “You can’t go from job losses of 700,000 a month … to job growth like that,” he said.

18 Jul 2009 11:31


Culture: Bob Schieffer on Cronkite: “Nothing got in front of the news”

  • And he had this great sense of news, and Walter delighted in just tearing the whole broadcast apart at about 6:20 and putting in a new lead story, and if it was your lead story, your story … you liked it even more!
  • CBS News correspondent (and Face the Nation host) Bob Schieffer • Describing his former boss’ demeanor and willingness to change the formula for a quality story. Schieffer says Cronkite was unafraid of taking a reporter’s story and running with it: “He would take your call and you’d say, ‘Walter, we need to get this story on the air and here’s why.'” • source