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25 Oct 2010 00:07


Politics: Max Headroom: Juan Williams’ sloppy wet kiss from Fox News

  • Racism = Promotion? Newsbusters pulled this clip as if to vilify Andrew Sullivan for his views on Juan Williams, but it seems like they don’t have much to go on. It seems to us he’s questioning the corporate culture in general here.
  • Clip after clip Rachel Maddow made a good point about the Juan Williams thing here, noting that controversial comments about Muslims are a common theme on Fox News – and importantly, it’s not a first amendement issue.
  • After the storm On “Fox News Sunday,” there was a lot of rallying around Juan Williams, who is now a full-time anchor for the network. It seems, in fact, downright lovey-dovey. Aww, it’s a love-in with Brit Hume!

03 Jan 2010 23:38


Politics: Max Headroom: Brit Hume hates sexually promiscuous Buddhists

  • “Strengthen the system” Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser, John Brennan, made his round on the Sunday talk shows this morning, backing up Janet Napolitano while saying that everyone would be held accountable for their jobs. David Gregory doesn’t soft-pedal when talking him, and Brennan hits him back at every beat. Properly.
  • Good Point, Bob “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer notes the reason why Napolitano got bit in the rear end last week – simply put, she tried putting a spin on an issue and failed. “It’s not lying,” he says, “but it’s not exactly the whole truth, and certainly not the whole story.” It’s the danger of the echo chamber, friends.

  • Tiger’s faith? WTF, man? On “Fox News Sunday,” Brit Hume beats on the Tiger Woods drum again, this time attacking the fact that Woods is reportedly Buddhist. He says that Woods should convert to Christianity. We say Brit’s a bigot. We also say Bill Kristol is hilarious in following him up by simply saying Tiger will win the Masters.