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13 Apr 2010 22:00


Politics: John McCain knows the guy who made “Demon Sheep”

  • Well, that’s a clever twist on the whole campaign ad. An ad by the other side, mocking stuff the one guy said. It was clearly made with no money and liberally infringes on copyright. But it might be just what McCain needs to stay in the race.

06 Aug 2009 20:50


Politics, U.S.: Example No. 3 of GOP Obama fury: Birthers gettin’ punk’d

  • Man, that Orly Taitz video sure takes on a hilarious new context based on these images, which essentially confirm that the Obama Kenyan birth certificate was a forgery by an anonymous blogger designed to make the birthers look stupid.source

04 Aug 2009 12:31


U.S.: Hey, Barack Obama: Happy 48th birthday from the birther movement

  • The movement as it stands Currently, the birther movement is frustrating politicians on both sides of the aisle, although the White House has simply avoided it. Republicans are struggling to avoid it at town hall meetings, and Democrats are simply angry about it. But perhaps the iconic moment of the movement is this interview on MSNBC, where Orly Taitz shouts a lot and the MSNBC anchors shout back. In our opinion, it makes everyone involved look incredibly bad.
  • The movement as it stands Currently, the birther movement is frustrating politicians on both sides of the aisle, although the White House has simply avoided it. Republicans are struggling to avoid it at town hall meetings, and Democrats are simply angry about it. But perhaps the iconic moment of the movement is this interview on MSNBC, where Orly Taitz shouts a lot and the MSNBC anchors shout back. In our opinion, it makes everyone involved look incredibly bad.
  • O RLY: The Orly Taitz shoutfest

31 Jul 2009 09:58


U.S.: The “birther” movement has more support than you’d think

  • 42% of Republicans think Obama was born in the U.S. source